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20 matching venues
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Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning venues
- CCTL - Hughes Hall, TBC
- CCTL - Magdalene College, Seminar Room 5 map
- CCTL - Murray Edwards, TBC
- CCTL - Newnham College, TBC
- CCTL - Sidney Sussex, Knox-Shaw Room map
- CCTL - Trinity Hall, Bridgetower Room map
- CCTL - Venue to be confirmed
- Churchill College, Sixties Room
- Corpus Christi, New Common Room map
- Girton College, Old Kitchens map
- Girton College, Room TBC map
- Homerton College, Alison Shrubsole Room
- Jesus College, Webb Library
- Location (online/in person) to be confirmed
- Magdalene College Cripps Court Meeting Room 5 map
- On line
- Online
- Room B201 - Careers Service, Student Services Centre
- Sidney Sussex, Knox-Shaw Room map
- Wolfson College, Gatsby Room map