CHRIS - An Introduction (Live Online Using MS Teams) BeginnersPrerequisites
This course is an introduction to the CHRIS system and will cover an overview of key elements of the system that you will interact whilst undertaking HR tasks.
Prior to attending please check that you can log into the CHRIS system successfully.
- This is the Live online version of the In Person Face to Face classroom based instructor led course.
Please Note: that you will require Microsoft Teams installed and VPN access to CHRIS setup to participate on this course. See System requirements below for more information.
Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.
- See Related Courses below to take your skills further
- Departmental and Institutional Administrators who have received approval from their Key Contact
- Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available
- Participants for any HR Systems Training course must have a Raven password and if you have not yet taken the opportunity to change your password from the password issued by the computing service please do this by visiting the University Computing Service's website.
- Approval from your key contact, which will be sought on your behalf, see notes section below.
Number of sessions: 1
# | Date | Time | Venue | Trainer |
1 | Thu 21 Mar 2024 09:30 - 12:30 | 09:30 - 12:30 | UIS Online Microsoft Teams 4 | Simon Meaker |
To be familiar with:
- How personal details are recorded
- How the system is used to record absence (sickness, maternity, paternity etc) for individuals
- Employment details for individuals including items such as grade, salary, hours and limit of tenure
- Costing details
- Changing the reporting manager
- Additional guidance relating to searches and exporting information out of CHRIS into Excel or Word
- A quick update on reporting
- Making someone a leaver.
- Presentation, demonstration and practical activities
- VPN access to log in to CHRIS if you are accessing remotely CHRIS
- Installed Microsoft Teams app.
- It is possible to join using Edge or Chrome but there is less functionality when using a browser.
- Important: The instructor cannot troubleshoot access to Microsoft Teams or VPN access to CHRIS on the day of the course. If you are in an institution that is managing their own Teams tenancy (CAMENT, JBS, medschl and some of the colleges) then you may not have access to the files or calendar used in the course. Please contact the instructor in advance to discuss this.
- It's advisable to make a test call in advance of the session.
- Bookings for this course require approval from your Key Contact, we will contact them on your behalf and hope to receive a response within 2 working days. The booking will be approved once we hear back from your key contact.
- Once you make a booking on this course, if the institution that you are going to use CHRIS for, is not listed in the Institution Field on your Booking page, please add it to the Special Requirements field. This is rare that you would need to do this.
- Please note Bookings on this course will be closed two days before the course start date.
- Documentation is available: Institutional Staff | HR Systems (
- One half day session
- A number of times a term
- CHRIS - An Introduction (In Person Face to Face)
- CHRIS - An Introduction (Live Online Using MS Teams)
- Recruitment Administration System (RAS) (In Person Face to Face)
- Recruitment Administration System (RAS) (Live Online Using MS Teams)
- Web Recruitment Training - Managing Vacancies & Sending Correspondence (In Person Face to Face)
- Web Recruitment Training - Managing Offers (In Person Face to Face)
- Web Recruitment Training - Managing Vacancies & Sending Correspondence (Live Online Using MS Teams)
- Web Recruitment Training - Managing Offers (Live Online Using MS Teams)
- CCWS Webinar: Introduction to the Cambridge Casual Worker System - Webinar (Live online Using MS Teams)
- CCWS Admin: Bookings - How to Create a Direct Booking with Draw Down (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Bookings - How to Create a Direct Booking with Fixed Hours (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Bookings - How to Create a First accept, First book Booking with Draw Down (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Bookings - How to Create a First Accept, First Book Booking with Fixed Hours (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Bookings - How to Create a Post Job Booking with Draw Down (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Bookings - How to Create a Post Job Booking with Fixed Hours (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Profiles - How to Approve an International Worker(s) (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Profiles - How to Approve a UK National Worker(s) (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Profiles - Assigning an Approved Worker to your Department (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Profiles - How to Reactivate a Worker Account (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Timesheets - How to Approve a Draw Down Timesheet with Added Expenses (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Timesheets - How to Approve a Fixed Hours Timesheet with Changes to the Hours Worked (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Timesheets - How to Approve a Fixed Hours Timesheet with No Changes to Original Booking Hours (Online)
- CCWS Admin: Timesheets - How to Dispute a Fixed Hours Timesheet with Changes to the Hours Worked (Online)
- CCWS Webinar: Introduction to the Cambridge Casual Worker System - Previous Webinars and Q&A
- CCWS Worker: How to Submit a Draw Down Timesheet with an Added Expense Claim (Online)
- CCWS Worker: How to Submit a Fixed Hours Timesheet (Online)
- CCWS Worker: How to Submit a Fixed Hours Timesheet with an Amendment to the Hours Worked and an Added Expense Claim (Online)
- CCWS Worker: Submitting a Fixed Hours Timesheet with an Amendment to the Hours Worked (Online)
- CCWS Worker: How to Register as a Worker (Online)
Booking / availability