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Showing courses 1-25 of 39
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8 Wastes Self-taught Booking not required

An introduction to the 8 Wastes (Lean methodology), and how to spot hidden waste in your own processes.

This short session will provide an understanding of the principles, tools and techniques involved in Process Analysis with a view to improving business process effectiveness and efficiency. Delegates will have the opportunity to practice using the techniques that they learn via exercises designed to be enjoyable and thought provoking.

4 other events...

Date Availability
Wed 18 Sep 2024 09:30 [Places]
Tue 1 Oct 2024 09:30 [Places]
Wed 20 Nov 2024 09:30 [Places]
Wed 4 Dec 2024 09:30 [Places]

A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common passion, set of problems, or interest in a topic and who come together to fulfil both individual and group goals. 

CoPs bring colleagues together in order to:

  • Create support networks
  • Learn and grow their skills
  • Share knowledge and join up related work
  • Share common approaches
  • Collaborate and innovate, and create better practices for everyone.

Come along to this session to find out more about how CoPs are being established and embedded at Cambridge, and the ways in which they could help you and those who you manage. There will be the opportunity to share ideas and concerns you have about the CoPs initiative and learn more about this exciting new area of development in the University.

A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common passion, set of problems, or interest in a topic and who come together to fulfil both individual and group goals. 

CoPs bring colleagues together in order to:

  • Create support networks
  • Learn and grow their skills
  • Share knowledge and join up related work
  • Share common approaches
  • Collaborate and innovate, and create better practices for everyone.

Come along to this session to find out more about how CoPs are being established and embedded at Cambridge, and the ways in which they could help you and those who you work with to achieve your objectives. There will be the opportunity to ask questions, share ideas for potential new CoPs and learn more about this exciting new area of development in the University.

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement Tue 30 Jul 2024   09:00   [More dates...] [Places]

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

5 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 30 Jul 2024 16:00 [Places]
Fri 2 Aug 2024 09:00 [Places]
Fri 2 Aug 2024 16:00 [Places]
Tue 6 Aug 2024 09:00 [Places]
Tue 6 Aug 2024 16:00 [Places]
EA/PA Community of Practice new Sat 21 Sep 2024   10:00 CANCELLED

A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common passion, set of problems, or interest in a topic and who come together to fulfil both individual and group goals in order to:

  • Create support networks
  • Learn and grow their skills
  • Share knowledge and join up related work
  • Share common approaches
  • Collaborate and innovate, and create better practices for everyone.

Come along to this session if you would like to find out more, or be involved in the exciting development of a potential new EA/PA CoP. A lot of interest has been expressed about forming a CoP in this area - there will be the opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and learn more about how this could grow into a successfully functioning CoP.

This interactive course is complementary to other courses within the Continuous Improvement theme and is designed to give delegates the knowledge and tools to;

  • plan and deliver process improvement workshops
  • coach and support others to improve processes

1 other event...

Date Availability
Wed 13 Nov 2024 09:30 [Full]

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team have partnered with a specialist external provider, to develop some online training modules for the University of Cambridge. Whilst the training is up to date with the latest legislation, advice and information, we have an opportunity to significantly tailor the package, to help it resonate with staff across our academic and professional services communities.

We’d love your help, to understand any aspects you really like, (or don’t!) and where we might make changes to give each of the modules a University of Cambridge ‘look and feel’. The session will be fairly fast-paced, with a high-level review of each module and a closer look at each of the proposed videos. We'll offer the opportunity for participants to provide individual comments and also group feedback, based on breakout room discussions.

If you have any questions, please email

The course is designed to give participants an overview of the history and principles of the Lean methodology, and an explanation of some of the basic tools used to make improvements to processes. This session will provide some basic tools that can be used immediately to facilitate a continuous improvement way of working

This course is accredited with the LCS (Lean Competency System), a certificate will be provided on completion of a short assessment.

Details regarding LCS can be found here -

3 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 10 Sep 2024 09:15 [Full]
Tue 26 Nov 2024 09:15 [Full]
Tue 10 Dec 2024 09:15 [Places]

The course is designed to give participants an overview of the history and principles of the Lean methodology, and an explanation of some of the basic tools used to make improvements to processes. This session will provide some basic tools that can be used immediately to facilitate a continuous improvement way of working

This course is accredited with the LCS (Lean Competency System), a certificate will be provided on completion of a short assessment.

Details regarding LCS can be found here -

Note - an 'in person' session is also available to book via

Join bestselling author and podcaster Sarah Ellis for the fourth of our sessions from Amazing If.

We often think of resilience as bouncing back, however, it’s also about how you continuously develop the skills to support yourself when things don’t go to plan. Being pro-active about increasing our resilience puts us in a better position to navigate the uncertainty and change that is part of our work and careers. In this session we will explore your resilience rating and how you can increase your resilience reserves by taking small actions individually, and as a team.

What you will learn:

  • Self-assess your resilience rating and identify what gaps you've got
  • Ideas for action to increase your resilience reserves individually and as a team
  • Tools to support you to move from adversity to action in the moment, including resilience reflections and imagining options
Kaizen new Self-taught Booking not required

This short video provides an overview of Kaizen as a Continuous Improvement methodology

Lean Olympics - 5S Relay new Mon 5 Aug 2024   10:00   [More dates...] [Places]

To celebrate the Olympic Games and the upcoming Lean in Higher Education Conference come along either as an individual or team to take part in this fun Lean Game.

How well can you and your team work together through the 5 principles of 5S? Set yourself against the clock but don't forget the quality!

This event is perfect for teams of 2 - 4 people.

NOTE: If booking as a team, please ensure that individuals book on UTBS so that we can manage numbers.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 6 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Lean Olympics - Escape Room new Mon 5 Aug 2024   10:00   [More dates...] [Places]

To celebrate the Olympic Games and the upcoming Lean in Higher Education Conference come along either as an individual or team to take part in this fun Lean Game.

Pit your wits against waste in our new and improved Lean Escape Room – can you unlock your A-game and get out in time?

This event is perfect for teams of 4-5 people.

NOTE: If booking as a team, please ensure that individuals book on UTBS so that we can manage numbers.

11 other events...

Date Availability
Mon 5 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Mon 5 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Tue 6 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Tue 6 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Tue 6 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Lean Olympics - Fold-A-Thon new Mon 5 Aug 2024   11:30   [More dates...] [Places]

To celebrate the Olympic Games and the upcoming Lean in Higher Education Conference come along either as an individual or team to take part in this fun Lean Game.

Do you have the stamina to compete in our fold-a-thon?

Your team will have the task of folding t-shirts in order to meet customer specifications. Are you ready to take on the Operations Manager and bring home the gold?   This event is perfect for teams of 4-5 people.

Don't worry - no running shoes needed or 26.2 miles in sight. NOTE: If booking as a team, please ensure that individuals book on UTBS so that we can manage numbers.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 6 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]

To celebrate the Olympic Games and the upcoming Lean in Higher Education Conference come along either as an individual or team to take part in this fun Lean Game.

Test your teamwork and Lego building skills to build your way to gold!

 A game for 4-5 people which will make you question the "right" way of doing things.

This game will incorporate the Lean principles of push vs pull, creating flow, dealing with bottlenecks and eliminating waste.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 6 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 11:30 [Places]
Lean Olympics - Tallest Tower Time-Trials new Mon 5 Aug 2024   14:00   [More dates...] [Places]

To celebrate the Olympic Games and the upcoming Lean in Higher Education Conference come along either as an individual or team to take part in this fun Lean Game.

Unleash your competitive streak, test your creativity and fail big

Perfect for teams of 2-4 people. Minimum of 2 teams and maximum of 3.

Agree your team's name before you enter the arena.

NOTE: If booking as a team, please ensure that individuals book on UTBS so that we can manage numbers.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 6 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 14:00 [Places]
Lean Olympics - The Lean Ball Challenge new Mon 5 Aug 2024   10:00   [More dates...] [Places]

To celebrate the Olympic Games and the upcoming Lean in Higher Education Conference come along either as an individual or team to take part in this fun Lean Game.

Learn the art of Kaizen in this team building game to optimise flow and eliminate waste – with balls!

For teams of between 6-10, two teams per session.

NOTE: If booking as a team, please ensure that individuals book on UTBS so that we can manage numbers.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Tue 6 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Wed 7 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Thu 8 Aug 2024 10:00 [Places]
Lean Practitioner Course (LCS 1b) charged Tue 24 Sep 2024   09:15   [More dates...] [Places]
  • The course provides an LCS accredited Lean Practitioner qualification. The course involves a 2-day training session followed by completion of a 6-week project.

A charge of £200 is applied to this course. Payment is via PO or credit card and the booking will be confirmed on receipt of PO or confirmation of payment. Please see the payment policy for payment details etc.

1 other event...

Date Availability
Tue 17 Dec 2024 09:15 [Places]
LiL: Mentoring new Self-taught Booking not required

A curated learning path on key skills for Mentoring (both for Mentors and Mentees). This Learning Path was created originally for the UIS Mentoring Scheme, but has kindly been made available for us all.

For more resources see the University of Cambridge's LinkedIn Learning Hub.

The course can be accessed here.

LiL: Remote Working Self-taught Booking not required

A curated learning path on working remotely. For more resources see the University of Cambridge's LinkedIn Learning Hub.

The course can be accessed here.

Meet a Mentor new Thu 5 Sep 2024   10:00   [More dates...] [Places]

This interactive session aims to support our mentees to find a mentor. A selection of our currently available mentors will introduce themselves and share a little bit about their background, knowledge, and experience. It offers the opportunity for mentees to get to know some of our available mentors and consider whether they may be a good potential match. There will then be time for questions so that you can consider which potential mentors could best support your growth, learning, and career development.

Please take advantage of this chance to connect with mentors willing to share their experiences and assist you in achieving your goals. Sign up now and start your mentorship journey!

1 other event...

Date Availability
Thu 5 Dec 2024 10:00 [Places]
Process Mapping and Analysis Self-taught Booking not required

A short course explaining how we identify, map and analyse business processes at the University of Cambridge

Professional Services Conversations new Thu 15 Aug 2024   14:00 [Places]

A panel discussion with professional services leaders at the University, followed by informal networking.

This event will be a chance for professional services staff to get to know leaders better and hear about the changes underway in professional services at the University. Guests will also have the chance to ask questions of the panel and meet other professional services colleagues.

While the event will be most relevant to professional services staff employed by the academic University, all colleagues employed by the collegiate University are welcome to attend.

Please note: the venue has limited capacity, but we will run two more of these events during the academic year 2024/25. If you are not able to get a space this time, please look out for the next event which will be advertised on the Staff Hub and on Viva Engage.

The Project Management Community of Practice brings you project management topics in bite sized chunks. Listen to your colleagues from across Collegiate Cambridge discuss all things project management. Click the links below to listen to the podcast:

Podcast 1: Meet the Core Group - Hosted by Ellie Wolmark from the CRUK Cambridge Centre, the Core Team tell you who they are, what their role is and discuss why they joined the CoP.

Podcast 2: Interesting Routes into Project Management part 1 - There is no one route into project management. Tori Helmer and Heather Biggs tell us their stories and give insights into their career journeys.

Podcast 3: Interesting Routes into Project Management part 2 - The second part of this podcast features Bethan Everson and Katie Light telling their stories.

Podcast 4: An Introduction to Communications - Katie Edwards and Craig Brierley give a fantastic overview of what comms entails, and how you can use it within a project for maximum impact.

Podcast 5: An Introduction to Stakeholder Management - Greg Strachan and Sally Measures give their take on Stakeholder Management within a project.

Podcast 6: An introduction to Retrospectives - Holly Cox and Signe Jensen talk about what retrospectives mean within project management.

Podcast 7: Data Management - Carrie Brennan talks about data management within a project.

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