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STEMM Research Skills Training Programme 2019-2020

Programme of events provided by Cambridge University Libraries
(Mon 14 Oct 2019 - Tue 10 Mar 2020)


Tue 21 Jan 2020 – Tue 10 Mar 2020

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January 2020

Tue 21
Showcasing Tools and Resources for Graduates (STEMM) new Finished 12:00 - 14:00 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 5

This event will allow participants to explore lots of different tools and resources that can help them with their work at Cambridge.

Tools and resources on offer include:

  • reference management software (Zotero & Mendeley)
  • sharing your work (social media and academic platforms)
  • managing your time and work (time management apps & cloud storage)
  • presenting your work (Canva & using Creative Commons)

Participants will be able to rotate between different areas to hear short presentations (15 mins) and explore tools that they want to know more about. Handouts on all the tools and resources on offer will be available. The event will be led by librarians from across the Cambridge University Libraries community.

Participants can drop in to the event at any convenient time but we do encourage you to book so we can have an idea of numbers. All are welcome but this event will have a particular relevance for STEMM graduate students and researchers.

You do not have to stay for the full event duration.

Food and refreshments will be available on a first come, first served basis.

Wed 22
Getting to Know Scopus Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Department of Engineering, Lecture Room 4

Scopus is a citation and abstract database of peer-reviewed literature that can be used by researchers to determine the impact of specific authors, articles/documents, and journals. It contains over 76 million records in the areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. In Scopus, it is possible to perform quick searches by document, author, or affiliation. You will learn how to perform basic searches, analyse the results, check affiliation and researcher profiles and consult journal metrics for the over 23,000 titles currently in Scopus.

This session will be delivered by Dr Charles Martinez, Senior Customer Consultant, Elsevier.

Please bring your own device so you are able to follow along with the session examples.

February 2020

Mon 3
Do You Really Own Your Research? Copyright, Collaboration, and Creative Commons Finished 12:15 - 13:15 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 5

You own your own research right? Well it depends. In this session we will explore the sometimes very complicated world of copyright and what can happen when you publish your work. We'll also introduce you to concepts such as third party copyright, and how you can use existing licencing tools to maximise the reach of your research as well as using other peoples work to advance your own, but legally.

Thu 6
Making Your Research Impactful Finished 11:30 - 13:00 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 10

This session explores why you should share your all research as widely as possible and how you can go about doing so. It will demonstrate the potential that Open Research can have in maximising exposure for your work and how you can track and trace how your research is being shared online.

Please bring your own internet-enabled device to this session.

Mon 10
Effective Strategies For Managing Your Research Data (Beginners' Session) Finished 10:00 - 12:00 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 6

What would happen to your research data if your lab exploded, or your laptop was stolen, or your cloud storage account was hacked? How could you prevent data loss in these situations? Managing your data effectively is vital to help you do this.

This workshop will introduce the basic principles of Research Data Management (RDM) and how they are relevant throughout the research life cycle.

Intended for those who are new to RDM, this course will firstly explain what RDM is, and then go on to cover basic data back-up and storage options, file sharing tools, and strategies for organising your data, as well as providing guidance on managing personal or sensitive data. You will also learn about the range of support services available to you within the University for managing your data.

If you already have a basic understanding of RDM then the advanced course is probably more appropriate for you to attend.

Thu 13
Effective Strategies For Managing Your Research Data (Advanced Session) Finished 10:00 - 12:00 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 12

If you already know the basics of Research Data Management (RDM) – for example backing up your work, file storage options - but now need to know more about effective strategies for sharing your data, then this course is for you!

This course gives a brief recap on RDM and then covers managing personal and sensitive data in the context of the new GDPR legislation, why it is a Good Thing to share your data, and how to do this most effectively in terms of describing your data, deciding where to share it, and using licences to control how your data is used by others. You will even get to write your own Data Management Plan (DMP): these help you manage your data throughout a project and after it has ended and are increasingly required as part of a grant or fellowship application. You will also learn about the range of support services available to you within the University for managing your data.

If you are completely new to the concept of research data management then the beginners course is for you.

Fri 21
How To Nail Your Literature Review 2: Bringing It All Together Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Department of Physics, Maxwell Centre, JJ Thomson Seminar Room (Floor 2)

This session will develop skills that will help you get the most out of your literature review. From a foundation of effective search strategies, you will learn how to critically appraise academic literature, techniques for getting through sources quickly and evaluating their relevance, engaging with key material and beginning to write your literature review itself, as well as ensuring accuracy in your citations and references.

Please bring a laptop, tablet or other web-enabled device with you to the session.

March 2020

Thu 5
Publishing Your Research Effectively Finished 10:00 - 11:30 8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 12

This session will cover the things you need to consider in order to reach your audience effectively through publication. It will introduce how you should decide which academic journal is most appropriate for your research, including considerations such as journal rankings, publication times, fees and your own publication history. It will also cover the benefits and practicalities of using pre-print servers and registered reports.

Please bring your own internet-enabled device to this session.

Tue 10

Referencing where you got ideas and inspiration from for your research is a core skill for any good researcher. In this session, you will learn about the University of Cambridge's approach to plagiarism, as well as giving tips and tricks on how to avoid being caught out through bad referencing techniques. You will also be shown handy tools that can do a lot of the work for you as well as managing your literature reading list throughout your work and beyond.

Bring along your laptop, tablet or mobile phone to join in with our interactive referencing quiz and put your knowledge to the test! You might even win a prize!