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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Mon 10 Feb – Tue 11 Feb

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Tuesday 11 February

Fire Safety Awareness Training for Embedded Departments at Addenbrooke's Hospital Not bookable 08:00 - 09:00 Alice Fisher Lecture Theatre

Fire Safety Awareness training provided by the NHS for all embedded tenants. It is recommended that this training be refreshed every 2-3 years.

Please note: Bookings will close one week before the event.

CULP: Chinese (Mandarin) Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 08:30 - 10:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement [Places] 09:00 - 10:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

Legionella Awareness Training (Level 1) Not bookable 09:00 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Denver Room

Legionella Awareness Training.

Please contact Michelle Goldsworthy to book a place.

Invoice automation - AP User new Not bookable 09:00 - 12:30 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Ely Training Room 1

This is a classroom course to be held at Roger Needham Building in the Ely Rooms - desktop computers are available for use, please bring an ID badge to access reception.

Please note - there is no parking available at Roger Needham. The Madingley Park and Ride is a 15-minute walk and the Universal Bus stops on Madingley Road.

Tea and coffee will be available, however please bring your own mug. There are cafes available a short walk away.

A half day course covering how to process an invoice from receipt to payment in the new invoice automation system.

Induction for New Managers and Leaders at Cambridge [Places] 09:30 - 12:00 N/A - MS Teams

This session will set the scene for those moving in to a role with professional responsibility for other members of staff at the University, supporting their work, behavior and development. As we all know from our personal and professional experience, leaders and managers play a critical role in ensuring a productive, motivating and inclusive working environment.

This interactive session will explore the responsibilities of a manager or leader at the University, introduce tools to support the performance of your team, and provide pointers to where to find important information and further development as needed.

It is aimed at staff across all areas, disciplines, staff groups and levels of responsibility, including staff who are:

  • new to managing one or more others
  • new to leading a service or research area
  • new to Cambridge, either as a new manager or with previous experience
Analysing Business Processes: Where Do I Start? [Places] 09:30 - 12:00 Greenwich House, Jaffna Room

This short session will provide an understanding of the principles, tools and techniques involved in Process Analysis with a view to improving business process effectiveness and efficiency. Delegates will have the opportunity to practice using the techniques that they learn via exercises designed to be enjoyable and thought provoking.

CCWS: Demonstrations for New Starters/New Users of CCWS (In Person Face to Face) new CANCELLED 09:30 - 11:00 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Ely Training Room 1

Cambridge Casual Worker System (CCWS)

This is an In Person Face to Face training session where new starters/new users can view a demonstration of the system and have the opportunity to ask questions/seek assistance on a particular task.

As this is designed for new rather than existing users, your booking will initially be provisional, until approved.

New to, or confused about online file storage and collaboration? This course aims to take the mystery out of managing your files online, how to set file permissions and you will have an understanding of online file management in SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive.

Please note that the course is taught using Microsoft Teams and you must have Teams installed on your computer to participate. See System requirements below for more information.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

  • See Related Courses below to take your skills further
Tools for managing your time effectively new [Places] 10:00 - 12:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This workshop is designed to help PhD students optimize their time and increase their productivity. In this workshop, we will explore a variety of time management strategies and tools to help you prioritize your tasks, meet deadlines, and achieve your academic goals.

We will guide you through practical exercises that will help you identify your priorities, create realistic schedules, and manage your workload efficiently. We will also cover essential tools and techniques for managing your time effectively, such as the Pomodoro Technique, time-blocking, and goal setting.

By the end of this workshop, you will have a comprehensive toolkit for managing your time more effectively, reducing stress, and enhancing your overall productivity.

This event is online only.

Successful public engagement can benefit research, researchers and the public – but how do you go about demonstrating this change? This workshop will guide you through the best evaluation processes showing you when, why and crucially how, to use evaluation to give you reliable and clear data. Demonstrate success to funders; record Impact for REF; learn how to improve your processes and have a better understanding of the people you are connecting with.

The workshop will be followed by the option of a one-to-one consultation to discuss individual and project specific evaluation approaches. These will take place after the workshop and last for 20 min. Please contact the ER team for information on how to book this session.

Dr Jamie Gallagher is an award-winning engagement professional with over ten years’ experience in the delivery and evaluation of quality engagement projects. Working across dozens of institutions and subject areas he has improved the reach, profile and impact of research engagement in almost every academic discipline.

As a specialist in evaluation Jamie provides consultancy services to charities and universities helping them to demonstrate their impact and to understand their audiences and stakeholders. He consulted on dozens of REF impact case studies in the latest round and works regularly with the vast majority of the Russell Group Universities.

Collaboration is highly valued in research today and is responsible for many of the most important modern advances in knowledge and understanding.

This webinar aims to help you plan and maintain your research collaboration successfully, so both you and your collaborators can enjoy and benefit from the journey.

In this 2-hour online masterclass, we’ll consider:

  • the advantages and barriers to a collaborative approach
  • what drives successful collaborations
  • the ‘rules’ and process of planning, establishing, managing and working together
  • partnerships outside of academia
  • what you can do if things aren’t working out.

This session will require your input so you should have your camera and microphone on and come prepared to be an active participant.

Please note: it is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

This workshop explores the principles of good postgraduate supervision, different approaches to supervising, how to deliver feedback for best results, and the teacher/learner roles of the supervisor-supervisee relationship. It is aimed at new or experienced postgraduate supervisors looking to develop their skills in effective and inspired pedagogy.


  • Understand the teacher/learner roles central to the supervision of postgraduate students
  • Explore good practice for delivering feedback
  • Understand possible issues and where to go for support in the Cambridge system
CULP: French Basic 1 charged (3 of 15) In progress 10:00 - 12:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available on our website.

General induction for users of the Physics of Medicine (PoM) building. This includes a guided tour of the facility.

Participants will gain access to PoM only after successfully completing the Physics H&S Induction - see "Related Courses" below.

Assistive Technology: One-to-One (Live Online Using MS Teams) [Places] 10:00 - 11:00 ADRC Online Microsoft Teams 01

This session is provided for students and staff who have a Disability Resource Centre referral for specialised one-to-one support. Bespoke sessions cover support for users with:

  • Mobility issues, such as an upper limb disorder, where ergonomic keyboards and mice or speech recognition software may be required
  • Visual impairment requirements where magnification or text scanning to alternative format can assist users to view a computer screen or read and listen to text
  • Specific learning difficulties, who may find speech recognition software or mind mapping software useful

A session typically falls into 2 categories:

  • Looking at available hardware, software or IT techniques that can aid in the development of tailored strategies and solutions to help users independently access computing facilities
  • Providing training for Assistive Technology software packages to help users progress with the software

At time of booking please specify the following details in the Special Requirements box

  • Name of person that referred you
  • A brief outline of type of assistance required e.g. software training, workstation evaluation or general support and advice
  • If you require wheelchair access to the venue

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

  • See Related Courses below to take your skills further
Medicine: Writing a Systematic Review Protocol (for University and NHS) [Places] 10:00 - 11:30 Cambridge University Libraries Online

Publishing a protocol -- stating in advance the search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data analysis and other evaluative techniques -- is a core requirement for conducting a systematic review. The process of writing this protocol will also mean you have written in advance a large chunk of what will need to go into the finished systematic review, saving you a huge amount of time.

This session will cover the contents and types of information you will need to provide in your protocol, and will give attendees the opportunity to write a draft protocol, as well as highlighting helpful resources and further support.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Doing Qualitative Interviews (LT) (3 of 3) In progress 10:30 - 11:30 New Museums Site, Hopkinson Lecture Theatre

Face-to-face interviews are used to collect a wide range of information in the social sciences. They are appropriate for the gathering of information on individual and institutional patterns of behaviour; complex histories or processes; identities and cultural meanings; routines that are not written down; and life-history events. Face-to-face interviews thus comprise an appropriate method to generate information on individual behaviour, the reasons for certain patterns of acting and talking, and the type of connection people have with each other.

The first session provides an overview of interviewing as a social research method, then focuses on the processes of organising and conducting qualitative interviews. The second session explores the ethics and practical constraints of interviews as a research method, particularly relevant when attempting to engage with marginalised or stigmatised communities. The third session focuses on organisation and analysis after interviews, including interpretation through coding and close reading.

In Lent Term, the online resources are supported by 1 x zoom Q&A session, and 2 x in-person workshops. During the first in-person workshop students will role-play interviews using the scenarios outlined in the course moodle pages. During the second in-person workshop students will work in pairs on their interview material (at whatever stage of the process: whether writing interview questions, coding or analysing data) in order to receive advice and support in taking the interview material/data to the next stage of the research process.

CULP: French Intermediate 2 for Academic Purposes (LAP) (10 of 15) In progress 10:30 - 12:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

Using close reading and translation of academic texts from their particular discipline, this weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading French documents that they have come across or may meet in their research.

The course aims to develop strategies for reading longer texts faster through close analysis, grammatical and stylistic commentary, and translation. For example, literary texts with differing editions, stories with two or more translations into English that need to be compared and evaluated, poems of challenging originality or range of allusion.

Classes will be conducted in English, but there will be many opportunities to use French and practise reading aloud.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CLIC: Speaking skills: Pronunciation Skills (3 of 7) In progress 10:30 - 11:30 Department of Engineering, CLIC 1

This course, which is for non-native speakers, will cover important aspects of English pronunciation for effective academic, professional and social interaction. We will meet together as a group for approximately one hour a week and will schedule 30-minute individual supervisions (after the group sessions between 11.30am-1pm) for personalised input to accompany the course's group input.

  • NB. Please read the Attendance section below before signing up for this course.
CULP: French Intermediate 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 11:00 - 13:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available on our webiste.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Japanese [Full] 11:00 - 11:20 John Trim Centre

A one-to-one practice speaking session with a volunteer native Japanese speaker.

JTC : 1-1 Language learning advice VIA ZOOM new [Full] 11:00 - 11:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

A 30 minute appointment with a Language Adviser VIA ZOOM to explore ways to keep up with your language learning goals.

These appointments are for advice on learning languages other than English. Should you want support for language skills in English, please do not book into one of these appointments but send your request to instead.

(Please note that if you are seeking advice about our taught courses, you are encouraged to visit our website for information about online courses to be offered next term).

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Japanese [Full] 11:20 - 11:40 John Trim Centre

A one-to-one practice speaking session with a volunteer native Japanese speaker.

CULP: German Intermediate 1 for Academic Purposes (LAP) - PRIMARILY FOR CLASSICISTS (10 of 15) CANCELLED 11:30 - 13:00 Faculty of Classics, Room 2.04


This weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading German documents they need to deal with in their research. Each session will be divided into two parts:

The first part will consist of grammar, tasks to develop insight into the reading process, help with dealing with complex sentence structures, academic conventions, abbreviations, etc.

The second part will be devoted to the translation of original German texts from different periods and covering a range of topics. Each week you will be asked to attempt a translation into English of a German passage. Students will be encouraged to bring along German texts from their own research to translate.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Japanese [Full] 11:40 - 12:00 John Trim Centre

A one-to-one practice speaking session with a volunteer native Japanese speaker.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Spanish VIA Zoom new [Full] 11:45 - 12:10 Zoom Video Communication Software

A relaxed and informal speaking practice session with a volunteer native Spanish speaker via Zoom.

Lunch Series: Tips for Viva Revision new [Places] 12:00 - 12:45 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

Your viva is just a few weeks away – your thesis is ready, you’ve got examiners, and you’ve got a date in the diary. What do you do with those few weeks to prepare for the viva?

This short session is aimed at giving some tips for revision to help you go into your viva feeling confident and prepared.

Causality in Statistics (LT) new (3 of 4) In progress 12:00 - 13:30 Titan Teaching Room 2, New Museums Site

The module introduces causal inference methods that are commonly used in quantitative research, in particularly social policy evaluations. It covers the contexts and principles as well as applications of several specific methods - instrumental variable approach, regression discontinuity design, and difference-in-differences analysis. Key aspects of the module include investigations of the theoretical basis, statistical process, and illustrative examples drawn from research papers published on leading academic journals. The module incorporates both formal lecturing and lab practice to facilitate understanding and applications of the specific methods covered. The module is suitable for those who are interested in quantitative research and analysis of causality across a range of topics in social sciences.

JTC: Advanced French Conversation Hours charged (3 of 6) In progress 12:00 - 13:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

Please note that this is a face-to-face class but we also offer an online class on Wednesdays 12.00-13.00

This conversation hour offers learners with an independent conversational ability (B2 level upwards) a chance to practise speaking French with others in a relaxed and informal group led by a native-speaker facilitator. The content of the sessions is decided by the participants, with members taking turns to propose a topic and source materials (newspaper articles, web-links, videos etc.) to use as a basis for discussion. The groups are ideal for those who wish to retain or improve upon the language skills they already have or for those studying for a language degree who would like another forum for interaction at advanced level.

Participants from French Advanced CULP are warmly invited to attend the French Conversation Hour.

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Spanish VIA Zoom new [Full] 12:15 - 12:40 Zoom Video Communication Software

A relaxed and informal speaking practice session with a volunteer native Spanish speaker via Zoom.

JTC: Intermediate English Conversation Hours charged (3 of 6) In progress 12:30 - 13:30 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The Intermediate Conversation Hours are a great way to practice the spoken English of everyday life. They are suitable for learners comfortable in spoken interaction at level B1 and above. The weekly sessions encourage a relaxed and fun approach to communication designed to both aid interaction and build confidence.

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

Cost for 6 sessions

£35 Students, £45 Staff, £55 General Public

CULP: French Basic for Academic Purposes (LAP) (10 of 15) In progress 13:00 - 14:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

Using close reading and translation of academic texts from their particular discipline, this weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading French documents that they have come across or may meet in their research.

The course aims to develop strategies for reading longer texts faster through close analysis, grammatical and stylistic commentary, and translation. For example, literary texts with differing editions, stories with two or more translations into English that need to be compared and evaluated, poems of challenging originality or range of allusion.

Classes will be conducted in English, but there will be many opportunities to use French and practise reading aloud.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: German Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 13:00 - 15:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 3

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: Advanced Spanish Conversation Hours charged (3 of 6) In progress 13:00 - 14:00 Alison Richard Building, Room 119

Please note that this class will take place face-to-face this term

This conversation hour offers learners with an independent conversational ability (B2/C1 level upwards) a chance to practice speaking Spanish with others in a relaxed and informal group led by a native-speaker facilitator. The content of the sessions is decided by the participants, with members taking turns to propose a topic and source materials (newspaper articles, web links, videos etc.) to use as a basis for discussion. The groups are ideal for those who wish to retain or improve upon the language skills they already have or for those studying for a language degree who would like another forum for interaction at advanced level.

If you have completed Spanish Intermediate 2 or Spanish Advanced/Advanced Plus CULP course, an A Level or Spanish IB Diploma or equivalent, you are warmly invited to attend the Spanish Advanced Conversation Hours. ¡Bienvenidos!

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

Invoice automation - AP User new Not bookable 13:00 - 16:30 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Ely Training Room 1

This is a classroom course to be held at Roger Needham Building in the Ely Rooms - desktop computers are available for use, please bring an ID badge to access reception.

Please note - there is no parking available at Roger Needham. The Madingley Park and Ride is a 15-minute walk and the Universal Bus stops on Madingley Road.

Tea and coffee will be available, however please bring your own mug. There are cafes available a short walk away.

A half day course covering how to process an invoice from receipt to payment in the new invoice automation system.


The Briefing aims to address key information required for Heads of Institution with regard to finance. Daniel Benham, Director of Finance will cover the following topics:

  • Planning, budgeting and investment decision making (today and tomorrow)
  • Introduction to key Financial Regulations and operational procedures
  • Current key transformational initiatives
  • Where to go for help and support

Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended.

Click here to view the full Leadership Briefing Series

CULP: Spanish Intermediate 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 13:30 - 15:30 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: German Basic (total beginners) for Academic Purposes (LAP) (10 of 15) In progress 13:30 - 15:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

This weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading German documents they need to deal with in their research. Each session will be divided into two parts:

The first part will consist of grammar, tasks to develop insight into the reading process, help with dealing with complex sentence structures, academic conventions, abbreviations, etc.

The second part will be devoted to the translation of original German texts from different periods and covering a range of topics. Each week you will be asked to attempt a translation into English of a German passage. Students will be encouraged to bring along German texts from their own research to translate.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: Advanced English Conversation Hours charged (3 of 6) In progress 13:30 - 14:30 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The Conversation Hours are a great way to practice the spoken English of academic discussion and debate. They are suitable for learners comfortable in spoken interaction at level C1 and above. The weekly sessions encourage a relaxed and fun approach to communication designed to both aid interaction and build confidence.

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

Cost for 6 sessions

£35 Students, £45 Staff, £55 General Public

Public Policy Analysis (2 of 3) In progress 14:00 - 16:00 Department of Genetics, Biffen Lecture Theatre

The analysis of policy depends on many disciplines and techniques and so is difficult for many researchers to access. This module provides a mixed perspective on policy analysis, taking both an academic and a practitioner perspective. This is because the same tools and techniques can be used in academic research on policy options and change as those used in practice in a policy environment. This course is provided as three 2-hour sessions. No direct analysis work will be done in the sessions themselves, but some sample data and questions will be provided for students who wish to take the material into practice.

CULP: Latin Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 14:00 - 16:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

This course aims to facilitate the reading of Latin through effective use of reference materials (published grammars, dictionaries and translations). Its focus will be on helping students understand the structure of a Latin sentence and the emphasis within it; this will allow students to understand a Latin text more sharply and clearly in its original language.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Managing Your Data - Engineering RDC/CDT new [Places] 14:00 - 15:00 West Hub, East Room 1

There is an increased emphasis on managing and sharing data produced in research. Many of the research funders supporting work at the University of Cambridge require that research data are openly available with as few restrictions as possible.

Research data management is a complex issue, but done correctly from the start, could save you a lot of time and hassle at the end of the project; when preparing your data for a publication or writing up your thesis. Research data takes many forms, ranging from measurements, numbers and images to documents and publications.

This session aims to help you get started with managing your data by introducing you to key principles around organising, storing, archiving and sharing your data. You will also learn how to create your own Data Management Plan.

Apprenticeships are for Everyone [Places] 14:00 - 15:00 N/A - MS Teams

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2025!

Are you interested in apprenticeship programmes and keen to learn more? Would you like to explore how they can benefit you or your department, or do you have specific questions you’d like answered?

Join our webinar, hosted by Apprenticeship Manager Colin Long, for expert guidance on all things apprenticeships. This session will address key topics such as: • How to enrol existing staff in apprenticeship programs. • Understanding apprenticeship funding.

Apprenticeships offer valuable opportunities for individuals of all ages and career levels (including postgraduate qualifications) to develop the skills and knowledge needed for a fulfilling career.

A link to join the webinar will be sent with the joining instructions when your booking is confirmed.

Assistive Technology: One-to-One (Live Online Using MS Teams) [Places] 14:00 - 15:00 ADRC Online Microsoft Teams 01

This session is provided for students and staff who have a Disability Resource Centre referral for specialised one-to-one support. Bespoke sessions cover support for users with:

  • Mobility issues, such as an upper limb disorder, where ergonomic keyboards and mice or speech recognition software may be required
  • Visual impairment requirements where magnification or text scanning to alternative format can assist users to view a computer screen or read and listen to text
  • Specific learning difficulties, who may find speech recognition software or mind mapping software useful

A session typically falls into 2 categories:

  • Looking at available hardware, software or IT techniques that can aid in the development of tailored strategies and solutions to help users independently access computing facilities
  • Providing training for Assistive Technology software packages to help users progress with the software

At time of booking please specify the following details in the Special Requirements box

  • Name of person that referred you
  • A brief outline of type of assistance required e.g. software training, workstation evaluation or general support and advice
  • If you require wheelchair access to the venue

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

  • See Related Courses below to take your skills further
CULP: Spanish Advanced charged (10 of 15) In progress 14:30 - 16:30 Centre of Latin American Studies, Alison Richard Building Room 204

With effect from August 2022 CULP Advanced level students will be included in the population for the HESA student return. We obtain much of the information required via the annual student registration exercise. CULP students, who are not currently following another course of study, will receive an email inviting them to complete Registration. At the start of the student registration process there is further information about the data collection for statutory purposes and the relevant privacy notices from the University and HESA.

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At an advanced level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

Focusing on clear communication in the workplace, Paula Rosen can help you prepare for a formal or informal presentation, get ready for interviews, lead meetings, or tackle difficult conversations. Whatever is on your wish list for being a better communicator, this session will provide constructive feedback and tips on refining your speaking style, increasing personal impact and addressing any concerns you may have about your communication skills.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar.

CULP: French Basic 2 charged (10 of 15) In progress 15:00 - 17:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available on our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic for Academic Purposes (LAP) (10 of 15) In progress 15:00 - 16:30 Language Centre, Teaching Room 3

This class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish to develop their skills in reading Spanish documents they need to deal with in their research. Those who have some knowledge of Spanish are most welcome to attend lessons from the start, or to join the course in the Lent term. Classes will be conducted in English, but there will be opportunities to practise reading out loud and translating from Spanish into English.

The first few sessions will focus on the basics of the Spanish grammar and translating into English. Students will then be encouraged to bring along texts in Spanish from their own research to translate.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: French Advanced charged (10 of 15) In progress 15:00 - 17:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

With effect from August 2022 CULP Advanced level students will be included in the population for the HESA student return. We obtain much of the information required via the annual student registration exercise. CULP students, who are not currently following another course of study, will receive an email inviting them to complete Registration. At the start of the student registration process there is further information about the data collection for statutory purposes and the relevant privacy notices from the University and HESA.

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At advanced level the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

More detailed information is available on our website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

Tableau Drop In Sessions (via Teams) new [Places] 15:00 - 15:30 Via MS Teams

This is an opportunity for the members of the University to go one-on-one with Tableau experts across the Business Information and Strategic Insights Team, who can help you solve challenges.

CULP: German Basic 1 (total beginners) for Academic Purposes (LAP) (3 of 15) In progress 15:30 - 17:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

This weekly class is intended to help research students in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to develop their skills in reading German documents they need to deal with in their research. Each session will be divided into two parts:

The first part will consist of grammar, tasks to develop insight into the reading process, help with dealing with complex sentence structures, academic conventions, abbreviations, etc.

The second part will be devoted to the translation of original German texts from different periods and covering a range of topics. Each week you will be asked to attempt a translation into English of a German passage. Students will be encouraged to bring along German texts from their own research to translate.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Focusing on clear communication in the workplace, Paula Rosen can help you prepare for a formal or informal presentation, get ready for interviews, lead meetings, or tackle difficult conversations. Whatever is on your wish list for being a better communicator, this session will provide constructive feedback and tips on refining your speaking style, increasing personal impact and addressing any concerns you may have about your communication skills.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar.

CULP: Italian Advanced charged (10 of 15) In progress 16:00 - 18:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

With effect from August 2022 CULP Advanced level students will be included in the population for the HESA student return. We obtain much of the information required via the annual student registration exercise. CULP students, who are not currently following another course of study, will receive an email inviting them to complete Registration. At the start of the student registration process there is further information about the data collection for statutory purposes and the relevant privacy notices from the University and HESA.

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At advanced level the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater for the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

CULP: Russian Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 16:00 - 18:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from on our website.

CLIC: Introduction to British Sign Language new (9 of 10) In progress 16:00 - 18:00 Department of Engineering, CLIC 2

This course is designed for learners who have very limited or no previous knowledge of British Sign Language (BSL). The course aims to enable individuals to understand and use BSL effectively for purposes of practical communication with deaf or hard of hearing people, to develop understanding of the BSL sentence syntax and to learn more about a Deaf Culture.

Please note this course is not credit-bearing and so cannot be used as part of a Tripos.

Advanced Topics in Data Preparation Using Stata (LT) new (3 of 4) In progress 16:00 - 18:00 Titan Teaching Room 1, New Museums Site

Have you received or collected your data (or anticipate doing so!), but are not sure what to do next? This course is designed to equip you with the skills you need to efficiently clean, reformat, and prepare your datasets using Stata. Ideal for social science researchers and analysts who want to use quantitative data for their dissertation or other research project and want to prepare their data efficiently and follow best practices.

Over four interactive sessions, you will master essential techniques for handling missing data, merging and appending datasets, batch processing, and recoding variables. Each session combines concise, focused lectures with practical, hands-on exercises using either your own data or datasets provided by the instructor.

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement [Places] 16:00 - 17:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

CULP: German Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 16:30 - 18:30 Language Centre, Teaching Room 3

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: German Advanced charged (10 of 15) In progress 16:30 - 18:30 Faculty of Classics, Room 2.04

With effect from August 2022 CULP Advanced level students will be included in the population for the HESA student return. We obtain much of the information required via the annual student registration exercise. CULP students, who are not currently following another course of study, will receive an email inviting them to complete Registration. At the start of the student registration process there is further information about the data collection for statutory purposes and the relevant privacy notices from the University and HESA.

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At an advanced level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

Focusing on clear communication in the workplace, Paula Rosen can help you prepare for a formal or informal presentation, get ready for interviews, lead meetings, or tackle difficult conversations. Whatever is on your wish list for being a better communicator, this session will provide constructive feedback and tips on refining your speaking style, increasing personal impact and addressing any concerns you may have about your communication skills.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar.

CULP: Portuguese Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.

CULP: Greek Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 17:00 - 19:00 Sidgwick Site, Raised Faculty Building, Room: 332

Greek is an Indo-European language and the only member of the Hellenic branch; it has been spoken in South-East Europe since early in the second millennium BC and has the longest recorded history of any Indo-European language. Ancient Greek, spanning from c. 1500 BC to 1600 AD and Modern Greek (c.1700 to the present) are two major developmental stages in the long history of the language.

Modern Greek is spoken by some 14 million people mainly in the Republic of Greece, where it is the official language and the Republic of Cyprus as one of the two official languages. It is also spoken by sizeable immigrant communities in the USA, Australia, Western Europe and elsewhere. Since 1981 is has been one of the official languages of the European Union as well.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

CULP: Spanish Basic 2 - SEMI-INTENSIVE charged (5 of 15) In progress 17:00 - 19:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Introduction to the Persian (Farsi) Language and Culture charged (10 of 15) In progress 17:00 - 19:00 Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Room 214

The Introduction to Languages and Cultures courses feature some less taught languages and are designed to offer a sneak preview into the world of these important civilisations.

While learning the basics of the language, you will be able to view and appreciate the ancient as well as the modern character of the lands and peoples.

These courses will not be formally assessed and students who attend regularly (12/15 sessions) will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Arabic Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 17:00 - 19:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Russian Advanced charged (10 of 15) In progress 17:00 - 19:00 Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages, Room 219

With effect from August 2022 CULP Advanced level students will be included in the population for the HESA student return. We obtain much of the information required via the annual student registration exercise. CULP students, who are not currently following another course of study, will receive an email inviting them to complete Registration. At the start of the student registration process there is further information about the data collection for statutory purposes and the relevant privacy notices from the University and HESA.

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At an advanced level, the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater to the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre webiste.

NB: Advanced courses are official, award-bearing University qualifications.

Please also note that the certificates and transcripts are usually issued in July.

CULP: Spanish Advanced Plus through Film and Literature charged (10 of 15) In progress 17:30 - 19:30 Centre of Latin American Studies, Alison Richard Building Room 204

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At advanced level the focus shifts slightly towards reading and writing whilst still offering plenty an opportunity for oral communication. The syllabus is more topical and the contents feature many a cultural, historical, political and current affairs theme. While the grammar is analysed within a context, explicit grammar instruction becomes an integral part of the course.

One of the aims of the advanced level courses is also presentation skills as the courses aim to cater for the academic needs (i.e. research, conferences) of the students.

This course features no formal summative assessment component and upon the completion of homework, participation and attendance (attendance required is at least 12/15 sessions) students will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance issued by the Language Centre.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Arabic Elementary 2 charged (10 of 15) CANCELLED 18:00 - 20:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.

CULP: German Intermediate 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 18:00 - 20:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: Korean Basic 2 charged (10 of 15) In progress 18:00 - 20:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Arabic Basic 2 charged (10 of 15) In progress 18:00 - 20:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: Spanish Basic 2 charged (10 of 15) In progress 18:30 - 20:30 Language Centre, Teaching Room 3

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Japanese Intermediate 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 19:00 - 21:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At intermediate 1 level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: Portuguese Intermediate 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 19:00 - 21:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre.

CULP: Ancient Greek Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) In progress 19:00 - 21:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

This course is appropriate for absolute beginners (ab initio learners) with no knowledge of Ancient Greek. Those with a knowledge of Modern Greek are welcome to attend but may find the pace a little slow.

More detailed information is available from the Language Centre website.

CULP: British Sign Language Basic 1 charged (3 of 15) In progress 19:30 - 21:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The course is delivered in a visual way. It offers 30 hours of classroom tuition in a group, (up to 16 students), and requires the students to study independently (or in pairs) for an additional 30 hours.