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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Wed 8 Dec 2021 – Thu 9 Dec 2021

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Wednesday 8 December 2021

Lean Practitioner Course (LCS 1b) charged (2 of 2) Finished 09:15 - 16:30 CPMO: MS Teams
  • The course provides an LCS accredited Lean Practitioner qualification. The course involves a 2-day training session followed by completion of a 6-week project.

A charge of £150 is applied to this course. Payment is via PO or credit card and the booking will be confirmed on receipt of PO or confirmation of payment. Please see the payment policy for payment details etc.

Leadership Essentials new (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 13:00 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

Leadership Essentials is a key programme suitable for those with responsibilities for others’ work, behaviour and development, which aims to help managers refresh and build their skills and experience in this area. As well as clarifying key responsibilities, it focuses on critical areas that some can find more difficult, such as giving and receiving feedback effectively and handling challenging conversations. The programme incorporates tutor input; opportunities for discussion, reflection and sharing of good practice with others with similar responsibilities. It also includes curated e-learning resources to support managers with their ongoing learning and development.

Participants are required to attend both half day sessions.

Before attending, please take some time to review the short Leadership Essentials: Management Responsibilities Films of other University colleagues talking about their role as a manager.

UIS Wellbeing: Search Inside Yourself Programme new (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Norwich Auditorium

What is the Search Inside Yourself programme?

The Search Inside Yourself (SIY) programme is a popular immersive leadership programme born in Google and based on Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience and Mindfulness. SIY will teach emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration, and effective leadership.

The mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills you'll learn will help you:

Experience greater well-being, resilience and stress management Improve performance, collaboration and empathy Increase effectiveness and decision-making capacity Cultivate innovative, creative thinking Build more effective relationships


Discussion Topic: Failing well: managing when things do not go to plan

This series follows on from the very popular first series held from April-July 2021. These informal drop-in sessions are designed to provide both new and more experienced leaders and managers, across all staff groups, with a safe space to share practice and discuss some of the challenges that can arise when supporting others to develop and strengthen their performance. Each session will start an hour of Q&A and discussion with a panel of experienced managers drawn from across the University. This will be followed by half an hour of small group discussion to allow participants the opportunity to meet other managers and share practice, in a smaller, more intimate setting. Those wishing to leave after the first hour and not stay on for final half hour in break out rooms, are free to do so. The format of the sessions is designed to facilitate peer support and learning. The sessions are not training sessions, although recommendations for training and other resources will be provided.

Comments from Series 1 participants: “I am loving all of these sessions and am so happy to have discovered a platform where ‘it all makes sense’” “It’s lovely to convene a group of people interested in leadership and developing their skills in this area.” “I intend to participate in as many sessions as I can because this forum gives a focused approach on developing leadership skills that are expected within the University. I had been looking for some sort of a planned approach to this and am really glad I found this.”


Basirat Afinowi - Programme Manager, Reimagining Professional Services

Ian Cooper - Head of Planning and Performance, UIS

Zara Kuckelhaus - Project Management, Academic Centres, Institute of Continuing Education

Gillian Weale - Head of COVID Operations, Department of Physics

Questions we will consider during the session

1. Would you consider yourself resilient when it comes to setbacks at work?

2. Can you describe a challenging crisis that you have dealt with at work?

3. How did you get through it?

4. How did you help your team through it?

5. What did you learn from the experience?

6. How do you help others in your team to manage when things don’t go to plan?

7. What approaches do you find work well, when managing a team through a a difficult project/event?

8. How do you create trust and psychological safety in your team?

Virtual - GL 2: Reporting in the General Ledger (2 of 2) Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Via MS Teams

This course provides users the opportunity to run General Ledger reports and how to interpret them when managing departmental funds.


This session, delivered by Marta Costa and Laura Fachal, will introduce StepWide, a leadership programme developed by postdocs for cis and trans women postdocs. Current initiatives to bridge the gender gap focus on academic staff, with little support for those trying to reach that particular career stage. StepWide was designed to question and broaden current and constrained ideas about leadership and develop the confidence and skills that will allow women postdocs to increase their visibility, improving promotion and progression.

Marta Costa is a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Zoology working on creating a map of the nervous system of fruit flies. She did her undergraduate in Biology in Lisbon, Portugal, followed by an MSc in Neuroscience at UCL. She then moved to Cambridge for her PhD, followed by a postdoc. She is also a Research Associate at Lucy Cavendish College.

Laura Fachal is a Senior Staff Scientist at Wellcome Sanger Institute. She earned her BS in Veterinary, MSc in Biotechnology and PhD from University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. She completed her postdoc at the Centre for Cancer Genetic Epidemiology, University of Cambridge. She is also a Research Associate at Lucy Cavendish College.

Postdocs: Researcher Development 1:1 new CANCELLED 13:00 - 13:45 Online

The postdoc RD team offer one-to-one meetings online for all postdocs. These meetings will be tailored to your individual needs and provide an opportunity to consider and discuss a variety of topics relating to learning, skills and personal development. This is not an exhaustive list but areas for discussion could include:

Managing your time whilst working from home

Collaborating effectively

Maintaining resilience and coping strategies

Reflecting on and identifying your key areas for development

Each meeting will last for up to 45 minutes and will be conducted online using MS Teams.

Please Note: If you wish to discuss your career options specifically then, in the first instance, we advise that you look at the Postdoc Careers Service website for further information:

Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Academic Appointments) Finished 13:30 - 15:30 N/A - PPD Zoom (Internal Ref:Standard)

This workshop provides an opportunity for academic staff to understand the recruitment and selection process and how to create the conditions where you can recruit the best candidate and avoid common pitfalls. It includes an overview of the recruitment and selection process and identifies the key principles to ensure practice is fair to all candidates at each stage.

The course is primarily aimed at academic staff involved in making selection decisions for academic roles and those with responsibility for coordinating academic recruitment procedures.


Do you have an idea for a new Community of Practice? Or perhaps you have an existing group that you think might be suitable to become a Community of Practice. If, after looking at the guidance on the CoPs Sharepoint Hub, you would like to talk through your plans with a member of the CoP Support Group (CSG), then these 30min drop in sessions are for you!

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the Communities of Practice support team. If there is more than of you working on an idea together, we suggest one of you book on and invites the other(s) CoP initiator(s)/leader(s). We will assume you have already familiarised yourself with the information and guidance on the Sharepoint, and have already begun to develop your ideas for a CoP.

Medicine: Mendeley Q & A new Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

An introductory session showcasing how to manage your references using Mendeley.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.


Customised Clouds? - Google Cloud presenters will provide an overview of:

  • Google Earth Engine - 20 minutes
    • Review of this new offering, e.g. for researchers and IOT use cases
  • Cloud Journey - 20 minutes
    • perspective on evolution and applicability of cloud
    • from "Cloud 1.0" (migrating VMs from on-premise to a public cloud data centre)
    • to Digital Transformation and adoption of cloud native technologies
  • Containerisation, Cloud Run & Kubernetes - 20 minutes
    • where, when should you consider it, what are the benefits?
  • Review of Google Cloud Research Credits and Teaching/Learning Credits - 10 minutes
    • potential applicability at the University
  • Open Discussion, Q & A, Contingency - 15 minutes

For reference: Hands on guide to Google Cloud -

CULP: Arabic Basic 1 charged (7 of 15) Finished 14:30 - 16:30 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic 2 charged (7 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Engaged Researcher Online - Branding Yourself Professionally Finished 16:00 - 17:30 Phoenix 2, Phoenix Building, New Museums Site

Are you curious to learn more about how to present your work and yourself professionally outside of academia by taking advantage of the online available resources? This training will focus on professional ‘branding’ outside of academia. First, it will introduce the importance of presenting yourself and your ideas in the right way to the stakeholders you are interested in connecting with professionally. The session will then delve into how to present your skills and your experience to position yourself credibly in a relevant field, whether on LinkedIn, through your CV and bio, or by ‘online’ networking.

The training will be led by Dr Maja Spanu. Maja is an Affiliated Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Cambridge. She has extensive international experience working in research & analysis and training & teaching in higher education, policy and cultural philanthropy. Working with universities and research institutions across Europe, she regularly delivers career trainings & advice to researchers and university staff seeking to professionalise outside of academia, make their work policy-relevant or enhance their social impact in meaningful and creative ways.

JTC : 1-1 Language learning advice VIA MS Teams Video Chat new Finished 16:00 - 16:30 MS Teams Video Chat

A 30 minute appointment with a Language Adviser VIA MS TEAMS VIDEO CHAT to explore ways to keep up with your language learning goals during the current pandemic.

These appointments are for advice on learning languages other than English. Should you want support for language skills in English, please do not book into one of these appointments but send your request to instead.

(Please note that if you are seeking advice about our taught courses, you are encouraged to visit our website for information about online courses to be offered next term).

Thursday 9 December 2021

Collaboration Tools: Microsoft Teams - Virtual Train the Trainer (Live Online using MS Teams) new (1 of 3) Finished 09:00 - 10:00 UIS Online Microsoft Teams 4

Are you new to teaching online? It is natural to feel apprehensive of this mode of delivery, virtual training has an additional skill set to those in a classroom based situation, and though your existing training skills remain essential, there is another layer of technical expertise to master.

This online virtual workshop will help build your confidence delivering training sessions and give you an opportunity to practice and to receive feedback from other trainers. The emphasis of the course is not about the method and practice of teaching as an academic subject or theoretical concept, this is a hands-on workshop where you can practice in a safe environment.

Before the workshop session, you must create an activity or convert one of your existing courses to an online version, and be prepared to present a 15-20 minute session. You will need to demonstrate that you have thought through and manged the pre-course bookings, communications and activities as well as competence using an online delivery tool.

The workshop will be friendly and supportive with a maximum of three participants. You must have Teams installed on your computer to participate.

  • Session 1 is optional for those who are unfamiliar with the Teams application to receive basic hands on training.
  • Session 2 is guidance concerning the management of a successful online training event.
  • Session 3 is the peer-reviewed workshop, you will both teach a session and review the other instructors.

Though this is an informal training session you may like to review the competences required to achieve certification by CompTIA

If you book:

  • You should have Teams installed on your local computer, but you could deliver your course using a different tool such as Zoom, but no instruction using different tools is given.
  • You will need a webcam and a mic.
  • Add the event to your calendar by following the link in your booking confirmation email and click Add to Calendar.
  • Install the Microsoft Teams app. (It is possible to join using Edge or Chrome but there is less functionality when using a browser).
  • Important: The instructor cannot troubleshoot access to Microsoft Teams on the day of the course. If you are in an institution that is managing their own Teams tenancy (CAMENT, JBS, medschl and some of the colleges) then you may not have access to the files or calendar used in the course. Please contact the instructor in advance to discuss this.
  • If you are using Hermes for your email you will not be able to create a meeting or Breakout Rooms.
  • It's advisable to make a test call in advance of the session.
  • The course will start promptly at the time shown
  • Do contact your instructor beforehand should you wish to check your audio and visual setup or you have any questions.
Postdoc Hot-desking @ Eddington new Finished 09:00 - 10:45 Hot-desking, Eddington

The Postdoc Academy is reopening its hot-desking space to postdocs on a trial basis, at our quiet working space at the Postdoc Centre, Eddington. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we look to reopen this facility in a safe manner alongside our team returning to the workplace.

Please read the below notes carefully before booking:

  • Before booking a hot-desking space at Eddington, please complete the short online induction form here: (Any previous inductions completed for the Postdoc Centre @ Eddington are no longer valid)

  • Postdocs can book one of four hot-desks available, in 1hr 45 minute slots
  • Postdocs can book a maximum of two time slots per day
  • Time slots for the next week's sessions are released for booking on Wednesdays, at approximately 3pm
  • The days on which hot-desking is available may vary week by week
  • Your booking will be checked by a member of our team before approval, and you will then be sent a confirmation email containing any further information needed
  • Please book your session at least one working day in advance
Complex Network Analysis for Biologists (ONLINE LIVE TRAINING) (1 of 4) Finished 09:30 - 13:00 Bioinformatics Training Facility - Online LIVE Training

PLEASE NOTE The Bioinformatics Team are presently teaching many courses live online, with tutors available to help you work through the course material on a personal copy of the course environment. We continue to monitor advice from the UK government and the University of Cambridge on resuming in-person teaching back in the training room.

Complex natural systems permeate many aspects of everyday life—including human intelligence, social media, biomedicine, agriculture, economics, even our personal and professional relationships. The past decade has seen intensification of research into structural and dynamical properties of complex networks. This course will introduce the basic principles of network theory, and hands-on DIY Network analysis using Cytoscape, one of the most widely used global platforms for construction and analysis of biomolecular networks such as gene regulatory interactions, protein complexes, hydrogen-bonding meshwork in active sites and neuronal networks. The aim is to conceptualize your own textual, tabular or genomic datasets as networks, and to understand how simple topological features can help to decipher complex properties of systems and processes.

Please note that if you are not eligible for a University of Cambridge Raven account you will need to book or register your interest by linking here.

UIS Wellbeing: Search Inside Yourself Programme new (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 16:30 University Information Services, Roger Needham Building, Norwich Auditorium

What is the Search Inside Yourself programme?

The Search Inside Yourself (SIY) programme is a popular immersive leadership programme born in Google and based on Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience and Mindfulness. SIY will teach emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration, and effective leadership.

The mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills you'll learn will help you:

Experience greater well-being, resilience and stress management Improve performance, collaboration and empathy Increase effectiveness and decision-making capacity Cultivate innovative, creative thinking Build more effective relationships

Virtual - Fire Warden Training Finished 10:00 - 12:00 N/A - MS Teams

Fire Warden training will give clear instruction of the roles of designated fire wardens and assist fire safety managers to comply with current fire safety legislation.

Medicine: PsycINFO (NHS) and ASSIA (University) Q & A new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session is aimed at NHS and University of Cambridge staff or students, who have already had prior training in database searching and want to learn more about the features of PsycINFO or ASSIA via the Proquest interface. Those who want an introductory session should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching course, or the Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching if they are NHS staff.

Collaboration Tools: Microsoft Teams - Virtual Train the Trainer (Live Online using MS Teams) new (2 of 3) Finished 10:30 - 13:00 UIS Online Microsoft Teams 4

Are you new to teaching online? It is natural to feel apprehensive of this mode of delivery, virtual training has an additional skill set to those in a classroom based situation, and though your existing training skills remain essential, there is another layer of technical expertise to master.

This online virtual workshop will help build your confidence delivering training sessions and give you an opportunity to practice and to receive feedback from other trainers. The emphasis of the course is not about the method and practice of teaching as an academic subject or theoretical concept, this is a hands-on workshop where you can practice in a safe environment.

Before the workshop session, you must create an activity or convert one of your existing courses to an online version, and be prepared to present a 15-20 minute session. You will need to demonstrate that you have thought through and manged the pre-course bookings, communications and activities as well as competence using an online delivery tool.

The workshop will be friendly and supportive with a maximum of three participants. You must have Teams installed on your computer to participate.

  • Session 1 is optional for those who are unfamiliar with the Teams application to receive basic hands on training.
  • Session 2 is guidance concerning the management of a successful online training event.
  • Session 3 is the peer-reviewed workshop, you will both teach a session and review the other instructors.

Though this is an informal training session you may like to review the competences required to achieve certification by CompTIA

If you book:

  • You should have Teams installed on your local computer, but you could deliver your course using a different tool such as Zoom, but no instruction using different tools is given.
  • You will need a webcam and a mic.
  • Add the event to your calendar by following the link in your booking confirmation email and click Add to Calendar.
  • Install the Microsoft Teams app. (It is possible to join using Edge or Chrome but there is less functionality when using a browser).
  • Important: The instructor cannot troubleshoot access to Microsoft Teams on the day of the course. If you are in an institution that is managing their own Teams tenancy (CAMENT, JBS, medschl and some of the colleges) then you may not have access to the files or calendar used in the course. Please contact the instructor in advance to discuss this.
  • If you are using Hermes for your email you will not be able to create a meeting or Breakout Rooms.
  • It's advisable to make a test call in advance of the session.
  • The course will start promptly at the time shown
  • Do contact your instructor beforehand should you wish to check your audio and visual setup or you have any questions.
Drupal: An Introduction (Live Online Using MS Teams) Finished 10:30 - 12:30 UIS Online Microsoft Teams 2

This course will cover the most essential features and concepts of Drupal through demonstrations and hands on activities.

Race Awareness - School of Technology new (1 of 2) Finished 11:00 - 12:00

The session helps to increase the understanding of systemic racism and race. It encourages participants to reflect on their own identity, building confidence to speak about race and capacity to challenge racism.

The training will be split into two 1h sessions. This will allow us to make space for discussion while not making the zoom meeting too long.

Everyone is warmly invited to attend.

Please only book if you can attend both sessions.

Postdoc Hot-desking @ Eddington new Finished 11:00 - 12:45 Hot-desking, Eddington
  • Please note: Hot-desking bookings have currently been paused in light of the Government's recent directive regarding working from home

The Postdoc Academy is reopening its hot-desking space to postdocs on a trial basis, at our quiet working space at the Postdoc Centre, Eddington. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we look to reopen this facility in a safe manner alongside our team returning to the workplace.

Please read the below notes carefully before booking:

  • Before booking a hot-desking space at Eddington, please complete the short online induction form here: (Any previous inductions completed for the Postdoc Centre @ Eddington are no longer valid)

  • Postdocs can book one of four hot-desks available, in 1hr 45 minute slots
  • Postdocs can book a maximum of two time slots per day
  • Time slots for the next week's sessions are released for booking on Wednesdays, at approximately 3pm
  • The days on which hot-desking is available may vary week by week
  • Your booking will be checked by a member of our team before approval, and you will then be sent a confirmation email containing any further information needed
  • Please book your session at least one working day in advance
JTC: Speaking practice for learners of Russian (face-to-face) Finished 12:30 - 12:50 John Trim Centre

Speaking practice with a Russian native-speaker volunteer

Postdoc Hot-desking @ Eddington new Finished 13:00 - 14:45 Hot-desking, Eddington

The Postdoc Academy is reopening its hot-desking space to postdocs on a trial basis, at our quiet working space at the Postdoc Centre, Eddington. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we look to reopen this facility in a safe manner alongside our team returning to the workplace.

Please read the below notes carefully before booking:

  • Before booking a hot-desking space at Eddington, please complete the short online induction form here: (Any previous inductions completed for the Postdoc Centre @ Eddington are no longer valid)

  • Postdocs can book one of four hot-desks available, in 1hr 45 minute slots
  • Postdocs can book a maximum of two time slots per day
  • Time slots for the next week's sessions are released for booking on Wednesdays, at approximately 3pm
  • The days on which hot-desking is available may vary week by week
  • Your booking will be checked by a member of our team before approval, and you will then be sent a confirmation email containing any further information needed
  • Please book your session at least one working day in advance

5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity. It's designed to help build a quality work environment, both physically and mentally.

This short virtual session looks at the Lean 5S tool as a way of organising workspace and how this can help wellbeing. It also draws comparisons with the Marie Kondo tidying method.

In preparation for the session, please take a photograph of something that makes you happy.

You will receive joining instructions a few days before the session with instructions on where to upload your photographs.

CULP: Mandarin Chinese for Business new (10 of 20) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

This course is designed for students and staff of the Judge Business School at Cambridge University, who have no prior or have little knowledge of Mandarin Chinese but wish to learn to communicate with native Chinese speakers in business settings.

For the language elements, the course is focused on key business communications in four areas: Present yourself and your business; establish business relations; business work and travel; and promote your business.

Another element of the course is to equip students to communicate effectively in the Chinese business context, through gaining a good understanding of Chinese company culture through industry case studies.

More information can be found on our website.