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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Wed 29 May 2024

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Wednesday 29 May 2024

Responsible Person for Water Safety – City & Guilds (Level 3) Finished 09:00 - 16:00 Greenwich House, Edmonton Room

The Session covers detailed background and case studies of Legionella Bacteria and how it can colonise in domestic water systems. Current legislation and guidance regarding responsibility in detail, monitoring and control measures, record keeping and escalation procedures.

This Course includes an examination.

Please contact Michelle Goldsworthy to book a place.


New to, or confused about online file storage and collaboration? This course aims to take the mystery out of managing your files online, how to set file permissions and you will have an understanding of online file management in SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive.

Please note that the course is taught using Microsoft Teams and you must have Teams installed on your computer to participate. See System requirements below for more information.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

  • See Related Courses below to take your skills further
Virtual Writing Retreats Finished 09:40 - 17:00 Online

Do you have a deadline coming up or a piece of writing that’s long overdue? Or maybe some data analysis that keeps slipping to the bottom of your to-do list?

Our online retreats give you time, peace, and space to think and write. Each session will provide a friendly and constructive environment in which to meet like-minded peers, discuss challenges, and work in a focused way using the Pomodoro technique.

These virtual retreats are being hosted collaboratively across several institutions to encourage researchers across career stages and institutions to come together in a sustainable writing environment.

The retreats will take place several times per month throughout the academic year and you can attend as many as you like (within booking limits for each session).

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process of importing the course appointment to your calendar.

Tools for managing your time effectively (Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences) new CANCELLED 10:00 - 12:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This workshop is designed to help PhD students optimize their time and increase their productivity. In this workshop, we will explore a variety of time management strategies and tools to help you prioritize your tasks, meet deadlines, and achieve your academic goals.

We will guide you through practical exercises that will help you identify your priorities, create realistic schedules, and manage your workload efficiently. We will also cover essential tools and techniques for managing your time effectively, such as the Pomodoro Technique, time-blocking, and goal setting.

By the end of this workshop, you will have a comprehensive toolkit for managing your time more effectively, reducing stress, and enhancing your overall productivity.

HEAT Database - Training for Outreach Practitioner Finished 10:00 - 12:00 Microsoft Teams

These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. If you need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.

Medicine: Writing for Publication (for University and NHS) Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

A course designed to take you step-by-step through academic writing and publication, with tips and resources to make writing up as simple as possible. The course will demystify the peer-review process, and help you to improve the precision and clarity of your academic writing.

UPDATE: Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library as previously advertised. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Lean Escape Room new Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Greenwich House, Lima Room

Are you interested in Lean thinking? Maybe you fancy a refresher? If you can you remember your Wastes and your 5 Whys (or even if you can't!), come and put your skills to the test with the Lean Escape Room!

Taking place in Greenwich House initially, there will be several opportunities over two days to pit your wits against clues and Lean puzzles.

This is a hands-on challenge in under an hour for your team or workmates (up to 5 per room), this Lean Escape Room has been developed using ideas from our LeanHE friends from The University of Tromso.

JTC: English speaking practice Finished 10:30 - 11:15 John Trim Centre

A relaxed one-to-one English speaking session with an English speaking volunteer.

CULP: French Basic 1 charged (11 of 15) Finished 11:00 - 13:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available on Language Centre website.

Managing your data well is a key responsibility as a researcher and it prevents disasters. You will encounter research data in many forms, ranging from measurements, numbers and images to documents and publications.

Whether you create, receive or collect this information, you will need to look after it properly.

Managing digital information properly is a complex issue. Doing it correctly from the start could save you a lot of time and hassle when preparing a publication or writing up your thesis.

Chemistry: Quantitative Electrochemistry (In person, face to face) new (5 of 12) Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Unilever Lecture Theatre

This course will cover the quantitative background to underpin many of the electrochemical methods exploited by the research groups in the Department.

  • The first part ('Foundations') will cover the background physical chemistry relevant for electrochemical systems: Following a reminder of the basics of electrochemistry, we address the physical chemistry of metals, ionic solutions and the electrode/solution interface, including electrode dynamics, and connection to experimental measurements.
  • The second part ('Applications') will cover specific examples of applications drawn from active research groups in the department.

Enrol onto the Moodle course and access notes here:

Lean Escape Room new Finished 11:15 - 12:15 Greenwich House, Lima Room

Are you interested in Lean thinking? Maybe you fancy a refresher? If you can you remember your Wastes and your 5 Whys (or even if you can't!), come and put your skills to the test with the Lean Escape Room!

Taking place in Greenwich House initially, there will be several opportunities over two days to pit your wits against clues and Lean puzzles.

This is a hands-on challenge in under an hour for your team or workmates (up to 5 per room), this Lean Escape Room has been developed using ideas from our LeanHE friends from The University of Tromso.

JTC: English speaking practice Finished 11:45 - 12:30 John Trim Centre

A relaxed one-to-one English speaking session with an English speaking volunteer.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 12:00 - 12:30 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Tana Joseph, Public Engagement and Impact Manager for the Schools of Arts and Humanities and Social Science - Monday, 15:00-15:30 and 15:30-16:00
  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

JTC: Advanced French Conversation Hours : Via Zoom charged (5 of 6) Finished 12:00 - 13:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

Please note that the Conversation Hours will be delivered online

This conversation hour offers learners with an independent conversational ability (B2 level upwards) a chance to practise speaking French with others in a relaxed and informal group led by a native-speaker facilitator. The content of the sessions is decided by the participants, with members taking turns to propose a topic and source materials (newspaper articles, web-links, videos etc.) to use as a basis for discussion. The groups are ideal for those who wish to retain or improve upon the language skills they already have or for those studying for a language degree who would like another forum for interaction at advanced level.

Participants from French Advanced CULP are warmly invited to attend the French Conversation Hour.

If the course is already 'in progress' please click on 'register your interest' in order to book a place.

CULP: Chinese (Mandarin) Basic 1 charged (14 of 15) Finished 12:00 - 14:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Have you ever wondered what you could achieve with more effective time management habits? Join us to find out!

In this 1-hour session, you will:

  • learn power habits to improve your work productivity
  • create a timetable that protects deep work and a healthier work-life balance
  • reset your inbox habits to help you manage your workload and team relationships more effectively
  • plan daily restorative breaks to recharge your focus and calm your mind.

During the session you will be applying the techniques to your calendar and inbox in real time, setting up protective processes that you can benefit from immediately.

Please note: It is important that when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

PLEASE NOTE: You must complete the facilitator's Zoom registration form to access your personalised meeting link. See joining instructions for further details.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 12:30 - 13:00 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Tana Joseph, Public Engagement and Impact Manager for the Schools of Arts and Humanities and Social Science - Monday, 15:00-15:30 and 15:30-16:00
  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Fire Warden Training Finished 13:00 - 15:30 Greenwich House, Jaffna Room

Fire Warden training will give clear instruction of the roles of designated fire wardens and assist fire safety managers to comply with current fire safety legislation.

Lean Escape Room new Finished 13:00 - 14:00 Greenwich House, Lima Room

Are you interested in Lean thinking? Maybe you fancy a refresher? If you can you remember your Wastes and your 5 Whys (or even if you can't!), come and put your skills to the test with the Lean Escape Room!

Taking place in Greenwich House initially, there will be several opportunities over two days to pit your wits against clues and Lean puzzles.

This is a hands-on challenge in under an hour for your team or workmates (up to 5 per room), this Lean Escape Room has been developed using ideas from our LeanHE friends from The University of Tromso.

JTC: English speaking practice Finished 13:15 - 14:00 John Trim Centre

A relaxed one-to-one English speaking session with an English speaking volunteer.

CULP: French Basic 2 charged (11 of 15) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At basic level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

More detailed information is available on our website.

CULP: German Basic 1 charged (10 of 15) Finished 14:00 - 16:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Chinese (Mandarin) Basic 2 charged (14 of 15) CANCELLED 14:00 - 16:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

Lean Escape Room new Finished 14:15 - 15:15 Greenwich House, Lima Room

Are you interested in Lean thinking? Maybe you fancy a refresher? If you can you remember your Wastes and your 5 Whys (or even if you can't!), come and put your skills to the test with the Lean Escape Room!

Taking place in Greenwich House initially, there will be several opportunities over two days to pit your wits against clues and Lean puzzles.

This is a hands-on challenge in under an hour for your team or workmates (up to 5 per room), this Lean Escape Room has been developed using ideas from our LeanHE friends from The University of Tromso.

Development & Alumni Relations: Document Management training for SharePoint & OneDrive - Classroom session new CANCELLED 14:30 - 15:30 Development and Alumni Relations: Great Ouse

This classroom session will cover the following:

  • How we use OneDrive, SharePoint and Microsoft Teams when managing documents at Development & Alumni Relations
  • An overview of using OneDrive, SharePoint & Microsoft Teams
  • Provide guidance and best practices on how to find, share & manage documents
  • Provide guidance and best practices on syncing, using Team Chat, shortcuts and downloading

Many areas of the document management strategy will be covered in the training. However, you may wish to familiarise yourself with the Document management strategy for SharePoint and OneDrive.

CULP: Turkish Basic 2 charged (11 of 15) CANCELLED 15:00 - 17:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence. At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please go to the Language Centre CULP page.

CULP: Spanish Basic 2 charged (11 of 15) Finished 16:00 - 18:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: English speaking practice Finished 16:30 - 17:00 John Trim Centre

A relaxed one-to-one English speaking session with an English speaking volunteer.

CULP: Japanese Basic 2 charged (11 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 1

The courses are delivered in a blended-learning mode, face-to-face and online. The focus is on spoken, oral/aural communicative competence. Students are required to attend to online multimedia materials and read the proscribed texts in their own time so that the classroom time is dedicated to face-to-face communication/discussion.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Swahili Basic 2 charged (9 of 15) CANCELLED 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Swahili Basic 2 charged (10 of 15) CANCELLED 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

CULP: Spanish Basic 1 charged (14 of 15) Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Language Centre, Teaching Room 2

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At a basic level, the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.

JTC: English speaking practice Finished 17:00 - 17:30 John Trim Centre

A relaxed one-to-one English speaking session with an English speaking volunteer.

ADTIS In-Sessional - Editing new Finished 17:00 - 19:00 Zoom Video Communication Software

Editing a piece of written work should be regarded as an ongoing process rather than a single event. But what does the editing process entail? How should we edit our work? In this workshop we will get to grips with these questions, modelling effective techniques for editing our own work.

Students are encouraged to bring samples of their own written work to the workshop to edit in the session.

CULP: Spanish Intermediate 1 charged (11 of 15) Finished 18:15 - 20:15 Language Centre, Teaching Room 4

The Programme offers general language tuition with a focus on communicative competence.

At intermediate 1 level the focus is on every day and real-time, oral/aural communication. Each course features a functional-notional syllabus and grammar points are analysed in context.

For more detailed information about the course please visit our website.