Learning and Development course timetable
Tuesday 23 April 2024
13:30 |
Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended. |
Thursday 25 April 2024
09:30 |
Administrator Development Programme
Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered. Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer. |
This interactive session will explore the responsibilities of a manager or leader at the University, introduce tools to support the performance of your team, and provide pointers to where to find important information and further development as needed. It is aimed at staff across all areas, disciplines, staff groups and levels of responsibility, including staff who are:
17:00 |
Administrator Development Programme
Selection for this programme is via nomination by School Secretaries, Heads of Division or Heads of Non-School Institutions during the summer. Nominees will need to demonstrate the benefit of participating, both for themselves and their institution. Please speak to your line manager and/or appropriate nominator if you would like to be considered. Please see further information about key themes and speakers on the programme flyer. |
Monday 29 April 2024
09:30 |
Leadership Essentials
Participants are required to attend both half day sessions. |
Tuesday 30 April 2024
09:30 |
Managing Change
Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change. Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills. |
13:30 |
Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended. |
Wednesday 1 May 2024
09:15 |
This course includes detailed information on occupational pensions and managing your time in retirement. You will have the opportunity to share information and discuss any concerns about retirement in a relaxed setting. Representatives from University Pensions Administration will provide details of the occupational pension schemes relevant to those attending the course (CPS and USS). They will also answer individual queries. Benefit statements for participants who are members of the CPS scheme will be provided in advance of the session. Our Learning and Development Consultant will lead an informal discussion on how to approach managing your time in retirement. If you are also interested in Retirement: Pre-retirement - Legal and Finance please book that related course which will cover the following:
Applications for the course will close at 2pm on February 29th 2024. |
09:30 |
Leadership Essentials
Participants are required to attend both half day sessions. |
Tuesday 7 May 2024
09:30 |
Student Immigration
Wednesday 8 May 2024
09:30 |
Coaching Skills for Managers
This interactive workshop is designed to give an overview and introduction to mentoring, informing participants about what mentoring is and giving them the opportunity to explore the key benefits for mentors and mentees. There will be the opportunity to learn some key skills needed to both mentor and be mentored effectively, and to become familiar with some simple models, tools and techniques to support the mentoring partnership to maximise its value and impact. |
Thursday 9 May 2024
09:30 |
Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Professional Services Appointments)
This workshop provides an opportunity for those recruiting to professional services roles to update and refresh their understanding of the recruitment and selection processes at the University of Cambridge. It includes an overview of the current recruitment and selection process and how to create the conditions where you can recruit the best candidate, avoiding common pitfalls, whilst ensuring practice is fair to all candidates at each stage. NOTE If you are new to recruitment and selection, it is recommended that you attend the Recruitment and Selection Skills workshop. |
Monday 13 May 2024
11:00 |
This short webinar is a useful refresher about the overall purpose and outcomes of SRD (appraisal) and an opportunity to consider what you can do to help ensure an effective discussion as reviewee and/or reviewer. Whether you work in a research, teaching or professional service area, SRD (appraisal) provides the opportunity for individuals to engage in constructive discussion with supervisors, managers or academic/research colleagues about current and future work and personal and career development. The webinar will have limited opportunity for discussion due to time, for further content, please view the online module Effective Staff Review and Development: Online Course and the LinkedIn pathway LinkedIn Learning: Staff Review and Development All Staff. |
Tuesday 14 May 2024
09:30 |
Managing Change
Studies show that the line manager has a critical role to play in ensuring staff are ready for change and in successfully implementing it. These sessions will equip you with the skills and attitudes you need to guide, support and motivate your team through the process of change. Case studies, discussion and activities will provide the opportunity to share ideas and embed skills. |
11:00 |
Great team work and individual working relationships are what we all want, but things don’t always run smoothly. We may find ourselves disagreeing with someone over work or behaviours. We may want to tell them how we feel but don’t quite know how to go about it. Sometimes we decide not to have the conversation at all, which can lead to a small problem escalating in to something bigger, more persistent and harder to resolve. Having honest and open conversations is not always easy and can sometimes lead to a misunderstanding, bad feelings and resentment. On this workshop, using forum theatre with a scenario acted out, we will explore what can go wrong and how to put right. With your interactions, we will help you develop techniques for a constructive conversation that helps to build long-lasting effective relationships and to build trust within the team. |
Wednesday 15 May 2024
09:30 |
Leadership Essentials
Participants are required to attend both half day sessions. |
Tuesday 21 May 2024
09:30 |
Recruitment and Selection Skills
If you are looking to update and refresh your understanding of the recruitment and selection processes at the University of Cambridge, it is recommended that you attend the 1/2 day workshop: Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Professional Services Appointments). |
13:30 |
Jo’s briefing will provide you with an understanding of the risks associated with undertaking externally funded research projects and how income from research impacts the University finances, particularly in the current climate. Please note that this session will be recorded and details will follow after the session. There will be an opportunity to discuss points and ask questions once the recording has ended. |
14:00 |
The course is primarily aimed at academic staff involved in making selection decisions for academic roles and those with responsibility for coordinating academic recruitment procedures. |
Wednesday 22 May 2024
09:30 |
Leadership Essentials
Participants are required to attend both half day sessions. |
Thursday 23 May 2024
09:30 |
The programme gives you the time to reflect, share and most importantly, set achievable personal and professional goals for now and the future. Key areas covered include communication skills, assertiveness, self confidence, improving your work/life balance and developing positive skills and attitude. If you want to progress and develop, then this programme is for you. |
This interactive session will explore the responsibilities of a manager or leader at the University, introduce tools to support the performance of your team, and provide pointers to where to find important information and further development as needed. It is aimed at staff across all areas, disciplines, staff groups and levels of responsibility, including staff who are:
Thursday 30 May 2024
09:30 |
Recruitment and Selection Skills
If you are looking to update and refresh your understanding of the recruitment and selection processes at the University of Cambridge, it is recommended that you attend the 1/2 day workshop: Recruitment Essentials: Appointing the Right Candidate (Professional Services Appointments). |
10:00 |
This interactive session encourages participants to consider what provisions would be useful to support the development of grades 3 to 6 Professional Services staff, how this might be implemented in terms of course format and delivery and how it might be marketed to the relevant team members to encourage engagement. |
14:30 |
This interactive session encourages participants to consider what provisions would be useful to support the development of grades 3 to 6 Professional Services staff, how this might be implemented in terms of course format and delivery and how it might be marketed to the relevant team members to encourage engagement. |