All Cambridge Admissions Office courses
Showing courses 1-25 of 57
Courses per page: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100
Tom Levinson, Head of Widening Participation and Regional Collaboration, will discuss the new Access and Participation Plan agreed between the University of Cambridge and the government regulator, the Office for Students. This briefing will cover the contents of the plan and discuss the new targets agreed with the OfS, as well as the impact they may have on outreach and widening participation activity.

VENUE CHANGE: Due to a clash, the venue for this event has changed and is now to be held in the New Wing Seminar room in the SSC.
PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to join this session remotely, please say so in the special requirements section of your booking so we can manage numbers in the room and ensure we send you a Teams link.
This is an opportunity for staff supporting students with their transition to undergraduate study to share good practice and useful findings from their experiences working with Cambridge students. There will be showcases by speakers working with current students with an opportunity for Q&A, as well as time for networking and building connections with colleagues across the Collegiate University.
Any colleagues interested in contributing a short (ten minutes max) presentation to the showcase would be very welcome to do so and should email in the first instance.
NOTE: if you wish to join this briefing remotely, please state this in the special requirements section of your booking (so we can manage expected numbers in the room).
A series of briefings from the ADS team taking you through recent research they have produced examining admissions and widening participation at the University of Cambridge.
This session from Andrew Avery will provide an overview of some analysis of UCAS EXACT data exploring regional patterns HE application and progression. Through a series of Tableau dashboards, Andrew will show the observed application and destination patterns for high-achieving applicants and explore what implications this might have for Cambridge outreach and recruitment in the UK.
This session will be recorded and made available afterwards for those who can’t attend.
Please note that this is for Schools Liaison Officers only. This session offers training to enable Schools Liaison Officers to deliver CPD training in schools and colleges to help teachers support student’s progression to leading universities.
Answering Difficult Questions workshop for outreach staff from across the university who can benefit from free professional development to improve their practice.
This session is aimed at colleagues across the collegiate University who work with prospective students through admissions and outreach activity. In this session, the Director of Admissions, Sam Lucy will run through some of the common but trickier questions and how to answer them well.
We’re keen to include as many of the questions you find challenging as possible. Please add any questions you would like included here, or send via email to
This session will be held via Zoom, the details of which will be circulated before the event. The session will also be recorded.
Attainment Raising presentation by The Brilliant Club for outreach staff from across the university who can benefit from free professional development to improve their practice.
Behaviour Management training for outreach staff from across the university who can benefit from free professional development to improve their practice.
This training focuses on managing the needs and behaviour of both the group you and individual pupils. It will provide you with techniques and strategies you can use when delivering sessions to students. In this session, you’ll explore how your own behaviour influences your students’, and learn how to control your emotional responses when you’re interacting in the classroom. You’ll discover the latest techniques in classroom management and develop your capability to achieve consistency
This is a session aimed at outreach staff, working with school-aged young people. We will be learning and practising strategies for managing low-level disruption, based on ‘Teach Like A Champion’. We will also discuss the importance of behaviour management for effective delivery, and how to know when behaviour management is your responsibility, or the school’s.
New Practitioner training which is designed for new and more experienced practitioners alike from across the university who can benefit from this instructor led session. Attendance is strongly encouraged for new SLOs.
The timetable can be found below. Colleagues are welcome to join either strand, and to join for some, or all of the sessions around their needs.
When booking, please indicate in the notes which strand you are hoping to attend. Your place will be confirmed via email.
Time | New Practitioners | Experienced Practitioners |
13:00-13:25 | Overview of Collegiate Outreach (Martin Thompson) | HEAT Training / Drop-in (Paola Contreras & Catherine Hatcher ) |
13:25-13:50 | University Strategy & APP (Mike Nicholson & Rachel Lister) | HEAT Training / Drop-in (Paola Contreras & Catherine Hatcher ) |
14:00-14:15 | Break | Break |
14:15-14:45 | Introduction to SAA Structure: WP & Projects, ADS & HEAT | Admin Time |
14:45-15:45 | Carousel | Carousel |
15:45-16:30 | Informal Networking | Informal Networking |
16:30 | End | End |
Cambridge Admissions Office have organised a series of briefing sessions in the coming weeks aimed at Schools Liaison Officers, Faculty/Department Outreach Staff, and any academics and staff members who will communicate with potential students.
This session will be useful to anybody who delivers academic workshops, particularly to young people at an outreach related event, though the skills developed will also help to improve general presentation and teaching skills. It will be delivered by The Brilliant Club (
The course will be split into three main sessions:
- Working with Pre-Undergraduate Students -including understanding of disadvantage in the school, overview of WP (widening participation), managing behaviour and creating a positive environment.
- Designing Engaging and Interactive Sessions
- Turning your Research into a Taster Lecture or Course for School Pupils
The session will help participants to consider the various audiences that they might deliver to in their roles, with a focus on those in a widening participation context. It will explore ways to engage those audiences and how to embed interactivity and higher order thinking skills into sessions delivered in person and virtually.
The course will be run via Zoom and these details will be circulated to registered participants.
This online session will explore ethical considerations and principles within evaluation and how to ensure ethical practice in your evaluation. The session will comprise of practical guidance and the opportunity to work through real ethics scenarios relating to evaluation within a group.
This online session will explore why and how interviews can be a valuable method in the evaluation of access and participation, outreach and public engagement activities/interventions.
NB: if you would like to join this session remotely, please let us know in the special requirements of your booking and we can send you a Microsoft Teams link.
Surveys are a very common data collection method in Access & Participation evaluation. This session will review why they are so ubiquitous, their strengths and some common pitfalls to look out for. Great if you're new to survey design or want to refresh yourself on this method, we'll be going over some examples from recent programmes' evaluation and sharing good practice in design, collection, and analysis.
Please note that both workshops will be suitable for both beginner and intermediate levels of expertise, with different activities designed to stretch participants of all levels.
If you are joining either of these sessions remotely, please indicate this in the 'Special Requirements' box and you will be send a Teams Link nearer the date *
Session 1 Introduction to devising an Evaluation Strategy
- Producing a Theory of Change
- Moving from a ‘Core’ Theory of Change to an ‘Enhanced’ Theory of Change
- Designing research questions for your evaluation using your Theory of Change
Session 2
- Designing research questions for your evaluation using your Theory of Change
- Selecting appropriate indicators and success metrics
- Selecting appropriate methods
- Understanding the strengths and limitations of various methodologies
The series aims to help outreach practitioners at the University develop Evaluation Plans for their current projects and embed evaluation into the development of any future outreach activity.
To get the full benefit from the series, participants are expected to attend all three workshops. We understand that for practitioners this may be difficult due to workload, so we have allowed the option to sign up and indicate if you are unlikely to make one or more of the sessions. If you are unable to attend a session the expectation would be that you read up on the content before the subsequent session and complete any tasks.
Cambridge Foundation Year – Admissions and Outreach Briefing 2021
The Cambridge Foundation Year is a new opportunity that offers a stepping stone to Cambridge for those who have experienced educational disadvantage. This innovative route is designed for a new field of candidates to help them realise their academic potential through a full-time, residential programme fully embedded in the Collegiate University. It is a fully-funded opportunity so comes at no cost to students.
This high-profile initiative for the University will launch on 13th January 2021 with the first students expected to begin their studies in Michaelmas Term 2022. This session will let you know how you can best respond to any enquiries you might get from prospective applicants or advisors in this coming year.
The session will be of interest to anyone working in widening participation or outreach, but particularly those most typically dealing with enquiries. For more information contact please contact:
This session will be held on Zoom and a Zoom link will be circulated to those registered on the event.
These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User with all Reports. If you need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.
This online session offers introductory training on using HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker). It is designed for new users and those who have not worked with HEAT in the past six months. Attendance is mandatory for outreach practitioners who require access to the live database.
Date | Availability | |
Wed 16 Apr 2025 | 10:00 | [Places] |
Wed 4 Jun 2025 | 10:00 | [Places] |
Wed 6 Aug 2025 | 10:00 | [Places] |
Wed 24 Sep 2025 | 10:00 | [Places] |
Wed 12 Nov 2025 | 10:00 | [Places] |
The Cambridge Admissions Office HEAT Team will organise termly HEAT User Group Meetings. The aim of these meetings is to inform users of HEAT updates and raise any common issues to the group. There will also be time for any questions and/or feedback.
These meetings are primarily aimed at Operational Leads, however if these representatives are unable to attend the proposed dates, other HEAT users are more than welcome to come along. We hope to see as many of you attend these meetings as possible in order to make them as beneficial as we can.
Join us for a training session ahead of external Higher Education Fairs. We'll cover practicalities, plus some FAQs. This session is for all staff who have signed up to attend an event in 2025, plus anyone with an interest to find out more is also welcome.
These sessions are aimed at those who are brand new to HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker) and who will want to be added to the live database as their institution’s Operational Lead or User.
If you are only going to need Read Only or Read Only with Export permissions this training is not required.
Impact Reporting training for outreach staff from across the university who can benefit from free professional development to improve their practice.
Introduction to Evaluation carousel workshop for outreach staff from across the university who can benefit from free professional development to improve their practice.