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Instructor-led course

Provided by: Researcher Development Programme (RDP)

This course is not scheduled to run.

Events available

Second Year Recharge: Reconnect with Your PhD 2: Finding Purpose: Your official 'vs' unofficial CV


Second Year Recharge: Reconnect with Your PhD

This four-day programme is designed to help you take a fresh and positive look at your work during the second year – a notoriously tricky stage to feel you have the clarity and motivation to keep going. This is true at the best of times, let alone during a global pandemic!

We recommend that you attend all four sessions of the programme, but you are very welcome to book for single sessions, i.e. there is no requirement to sign up for the whole programme or to have completed the preceding sessions in order to book for a later one.

For those who attend the morning session, there will also be an opportunity to attend an optional afternoon session, where we delve deeper into the content in a small group. The afternoon sessions will be limited to 30 people and will be available on a first come, first served basis. (Booking links for the afternoon session will be under 'joining instructions' in your booking confirmation email).

Workshop 2: Finding Purpose: Your official 'vs' unofficial CV

We all like that feeling when we know why we are doing something and how it’s helping us achieve a long-term goal. When we know our own purpose and can communicate it to those around us we can find opportunities and collaboration more often.

In this session we will uncover your values and skills and see how they direct the path and purpose in your career. We will also explore how you aren’t just ‘one’ CV but are, in fact, multiple CVs depending on the situation. Come and explore the many sides of yourself and possibly uncover even more of your potential.

The other workshops in the series are:
Workshop 1: Harnessing Your Motivation and Forming Productive Habits
Workshop 3: Effective Relationships
Workshop 4: Self-Care & Resilience

Target audience

Second year PhD students
Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.


This course will be facilitated online via Zoom, please ensure you have access.


One 1.5 hour session, followed by an optional afternoon 1 hour session.

Events available