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- Select training provider - (Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy - Health & Safety)
Instructor-led course

Provided by: Equality & Diversity

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Caring through Covid: Supporting others through the stress response to the pandemic


There is a rush in the media to diagnose a ’tsunami’ of mental health problems during covid while research from University of Sheffield presents a view that there are people who fare better, people who fare worse and many who are doing OK with respect to their emotional well-being. What ‘doing OK’ may mean in a highly stressful world could be mistaken for mental health ‘problem’ rather than a normal stress response to a stressful time. To stop that embodied and wise response to stress turning into enduring mental illness we need to consider those protective factors we have within ourselves and those we can offer to others.

In the role of parents and carers, we may be concerned about how those around us are coping in these challenging times. This session demonstrates through activities and input how attachment theory and positive relationships between people support resilience. The affirmation of social bonds is presented as a way to normalise the stress we are feeling, to support each other and to be ready to promote our own recovery and the recovery of others when stress is reduced.

Fiona Peacock (Certified Theraplay® Therapist, Trainer & Supervisor, Senior Affiliated Lecturer Faculty of Education) will run attachment enhancing activities (children welcome!) and also contextualise the difference between an appropriate anxiety or stress reaction to what is going on in the world, from mental distress or illness.

Sarah Hughes (Senior Staff Counsellor, University Staff Counselling Centre) will give guidance on how carers can support themselves through self-care and signposting to internal and external services.

The session is an hour. Children are welcome to attend this session with you, but you may wish to turn off your video and mute.

Joining instructions will be provided on your booking confirmation email.


Zoom Video Conferencing

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