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Instructor-led course

Provided by: Equality & Diversity

Tue 27 Nov 2018

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Events available

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women


Join Rachel Krys, Co-Director, End Violence Against Women to discuss current issues around sexual harassment and the challenges that wider cultural attitudes bring to issues of tackling abuse against women and girls.

Tackling sexual harassment and sexual violence – what has #MeToo achieved?

In the year #MeToo became a global phenomenon, with women in many countries speaking out sometimes for the first time about sexual harassment and sexual violence, are we seeing progress? Are our institutions prepared to make the changes needed to prevent and properly respond to sexual violence? Is our justice system fit for purpose and able to deliver justice? Are the powerful still able to act with impunity and use the system to silence their victims?

Rachel Krys, co-director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, will talk about her experience of campaigning to end sexual violence in the last year. Sharing the latest findings from new research into attitudes which reinforce victim blaming and allow rapists off the hook, Rachel will talk about the progress being made and the challenges which remain.

Rachel Krys Biography

Rachel Krys is co-Director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, a UK-wide coalition of women’s organisations working to end all forms of violence against women and girls, including domestic and sexual violence, forced marriage, FGM, trafficking, abuse related to prostitution, stalking, sexual harassment and more. The Coalition lobbies national and local government to improve its policy and practice in these areas (from criminal justice to welfare, education and health). EVAW’s campaigning for better prevention and response includes commentating in the media and using strategic litigation to challenge inequality and barriers to justice. EVAW successfully intervened in the Supreme Court challenge to the Metropolitan Police in their handling of the investigation of the rapist John Worboys, and has played a significant role in campaigning for a Whole School Approach to tackling sexual violence and harassment, including calling for statutory relationships and sex education. EVAW and members are currently campaigning for an end to end review of how the criminal justice system responds to sexual violence crimes.

Previously, Rachel worked for 15 years with employers, campaigning for inclusive workplaces and tackling discrimination at work. Most recently Rachel was part of the team which set up Equally Ours, a strategic communications campaign working to reframe the conversation about equality and human rights in the UK.


1 hour

Events available