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Privacy Policy for University of Cambridge Training Courses

This policy relates to personal data, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), held for administration of University of Cambridge Training courses.

The University of Cambridge Training Booking System holds records of each personal booking on courses run or organised by participating University training providers. This system includes a database whose data originates from web forms, and is entered by course participants, trainers and administrators.

The information is used for the following purposes.

  • To record who is registered for each course for administrative purposes: to ensure that each course is not over-booked, to send out course reminders, etc.
  • To update information, e.g. where a booking is cancelled, to record attendance, or to correct erroneous data.
  • To produce paper attendance lists for participants to check in on arrival at a course. In such cases some data is disclosed to other course participants.
  • To produce statistical reports for management purposes, such as for annual reports. Such statistics do not include personal data.
  • To provide training history records for course participants, trainers and administrators.
  • To provide personal training history records in the Human Resources CHRIS database.
  • To provide information about training courses attended by researchers to the Research and Development Committee for them to monitor training provision and where appropriate to assist individuals in ensuring that their training needs and activity are adequate, and where required to report this to the Research Councils or other funders.
  • For certain courses, to inform you of relevant further training and development events.

Attendance information may be shared with the participant's departmental or college administrator so they can monitor and ensure that training needs are being met. Participants should contact the course training provider if they have questions regarding this policy.

Data for staff and students will be held indefinitely to contribute to personal development portfolios in the future. Data relating to personal requirements is held indefinitely for convenience of the participant when making future bookings. Personal data can be edited by the participant at any time.

Access to the administrative part of the database is restricted to appropriate staff of the University.

If it becomes apparent that inaccurate booking information is held, this data can be corrected by contacting the relevant training provider.

For further information on University IT facilities and services privacy notice, please see: