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Researcher Development Programme (RDP)

Researcher Development Programme (RDP) course timetable


Wed 15 Jan – Tue 4 Feb

Now Today

[ No events on Wed 15 Jan ]

Tuesday 21 January

Autism- and ADHD-Friendly One-Day Writing Retreat Finished 09:30 - 17:00 Student Services Centre, Meeting Room CG09

This One-Day writing retreat is intended to offer structured sessions of academic writing for PhD students who wish to come and work in a supportive environment, and discuss strategies for good working practices that accommodate neurodivergence. You do NOT need to have a confirmed diagnosis to attend this retreat.

We will start with an introduction that discusses the kinds of challenges that autism and ADHD can present in doctoral research, as well as strengths. This will be followed by a discussion on finding adaptive ways to work when handling executive dysfunction, or issues with your environment. The rest of the day will be dedicated to writing, with short sessions to test out new ways to approach your work. A full schedule for the day will be sent out at least a week in advance.

You will be writing alongside fellow graduate students. There will be a ‘quiet room’ and a ‘noisy room’ to accommodate various working styles/activities, and attendees are welcome to bring along any fidget objects etc. that would normally help them focus. We will also bring a selection of these to try out!

If you have attended before you are very welcome to come again – feel free to skip the introductory talk or just go get settled in the ‘quiet room’ to start your work.

Lastly, although you will need to arrange your own lunch, coffee, tea, & biscuits will be provided, alongside fruit and cake. Please notify us of any allergies when you make your booking.


We’ll be looking at the what, why and how of public engagement and introducing you to ways to plan an effective public engagement project. Topics:

  • The what: definitions of public engagement, who are the public, what activities count as engagement, what are the goals?
  • The why: University commitment to PE, REF, Funders
  • The how: the Logic Model approach to planning PE, practical considerations, moving engagement online and opportunities at the University.

This course will be led by Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager

Friday 24 January

Engaged Researcher - Introduction to Knowledge Exchange new Finished 10:00 - 11:15 Newnham College, Sidgwick Hall

The session will give an overview of key concepts in Knowledge Exchange, how to engage different audiences and stakeholders with your research and will enable you to find out about the support available within the University. The training is open to researchers as well as colleagues in professional services.

Monday 27 January

Autism- and ADHD-Friendly Two-Day Writing Retreat (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 Online

This online writing retreat is designed to offer structured sessions of academic writing for PhD students with autism and/or ADHD. You do NOT need to have a diagnosis to attend this retreat. If you feel like you would benefit from an online workspace that accommodates neurodivergence, please come along!

The sessions will be run on a Discord server which allows you to engage both on video, and via text chat. Before the event, you will be sent instructions for how to join, both in written format and as a video. You can also take a look at the Discord website beforehand, if you like:

We start the first day with an introduction that discusses the kinds of challenges that Autism and ADHD can present in doctoral research, as well as strengths they confer. This is followed by discussion sessions on finding adaptive ways to work when handling executive dysfunction, or issues with your environment. The rest of the first day is dedicated to writing, with short sessions to test out new ways to approach your work. The second day will be a fully dedicated writing retreat to crack on with some writing! A full schedule for the two days will be sent out at least a week in advance.

Lunch Series: Tips for Getting Writing Done new Finished 12:00 - 12:45 Online

It’s time to start working on your writing, but where do you start? How do you deal with the dreaded blank page? Come along to a short session to talk about how to confidently get started with your writing.

After this session, why not book onto one of our writing retreats? Meet with fellow PhD students and work on your thesis in a supportive, friendly environment.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 16:00 - 16:30 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 16:30 - 17:00 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Tuesday 28 January

Autism- and ADHD-Friendly Two-Day Writing Retreat (2 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 17:00 Online

This online writing retreat is designed to offer structured sessions of academic writing for PhD students with autism and/or ADHD. You do NOT need to have a diagnosis to attend this retreat. If you feel like you would benefit from an online workspace that accommodates neurodivergence, please come along!

The sessions will be run on a Discord server which allows you to engage both on video, and via text chat. Before the event, you will be sent instructions for how to join, both in written format and as a video. You can also take a look at the Discord website beforehand, if you like:

We start the first day with an introduction that discusses the kinds of challenges that Autism and ADHD can present in doctoral research, as well as strengths they confer. This is followed by discussion sessions on finding adaptive ways to work when handling executive dysfunction, or issues with your environment. The rest of the first day is dedicated to writing, with short sessions to test out new ways to approach your work. The second day will be a fully dedicated writing retreat to crack on with some writing! A full schedule for the two days will be sent out at least a week in advance.

Wednesday 29 January

Becoming Interdisciplinary, Part I: Research Paradigms and Terminology (Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences) Finished 09:30 - 12:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

Join us for an engaging two-part workshop tailored specifically for PhD students interested in the dynamic world of interdisciplinarity! Delve into the fascinating realm where disciplines intersect and collaborate to broaden your research horizons.

In Part I, we embark on an exploration of the diverse perspectives on interdisciplinary research. From the integrative-synthesis approach, to the subordinate-service, and agonistic-antagonistic views, we uncover the rich tapestry of possibilities. Yet, we also navigate through the limitations of these perspectives, challenging the notion of well-defined disciplinary boundaries. Together, we venture into Thomas Kuhn’s concept of research paradigms, unveiling the hidden dimensions of fundamental research assumptions, which transcend disciplinary confines.

Part II invites you to embark on a historical journey through the evolution of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. Reflect on the emergence of disciplines, pondering whether it signifies a continuous progression, or a series of discontinuous material histories. Through a critical lens inspired by thinkers such as Foucault and Marx, we delve into the intricate interplay of power structures and economic interests, which shape notions of 'legitimate knowing'. This critical perspective complements Kuhn’s paradigm shifts, urging us to consider the positionality of researchers and material ontologies.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 12:00 - 12:30 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Do you feel anxious or apprehensive about how to handle Q&A sessions after a conference paper? Come along to this session to talk about what to expect from a Q&A, how to prepare, and how to handle challenging questions. You will get the chance to meet with other PhD students who are preparing to give conference papers, and work through some friendly activities to practice your question-answering skills!

If you’re interested in developing your presentation skills further, you may also be interested in ‘Practicing your Presentation Skills’ or ‘The Basics of Academic Presentations’.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 12:30 - 13:00 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Thursday 30 January


Join us for an engaging two-part workshop tailored specifically for PhD students interested in the dynamic world of interdisciplinarity! Delve into the fascinating realm where disciplines intersect and collaborate to broaden your research horizons.

In Part I, we embark on an exploration of the diverse perspectives on interdisciplinary research. From the integrative-synthesis approach, to the subordinate-service, and agonistic-antagonistic views, we uncover the rich tapestry of possibilities. Yet, we also navigate through the limitations of these perspectives, challenging the notion of well-defined disciplinary boundaries. Together, we venture into Thomas Kuhn’s concept of research paradigms, unveiling the hidden dimensions of fundamental research assumptions, which transcend disciplinary confines.

Part II invites you to embark on a historical journey through the evolution of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. Reflect on the emergence of disciplines, pondering whether it signifies a continuous progression, or a series of discontinuous material histories. Through a critical lens inspired by thinkers such as Foucault and Marx, we delve into the intricate interplay of power structures and economic interests, which shape notions of 'legitimate knowing'. This critical perspective complements Kuhn’s paradigm shifts, urging us to consider the positionality of researchers and material ontologies.

*It is NOT essential that you attend Part I before attending.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 14:00 - 14:30 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail does not go to your spam folder.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 14:30 - 15:00 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail does not go to your spam folder.

Friday 31 January


This session will help researchers to deepen their engagement with policymakers. It will focus on science and technology but will be of relevance to all researchers including those in arts, humanities and social sciences. Led by Nicky Buckley (Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP)) and Owen Garling (Bennett Institute for Public Policy), it will provide examples of successful partnership projects, and explore funding opportunities for collaboration with policymakers. Researchers will learn how to best disseminate their research in formats most favoured by policymakers and hear about the support available for becoming more policy-engaged. This will be a practical and interactive session, with the opportunity to ask questions and meet colleagues from across the University.

An Introduction to Applying for Funding new Finished 10:00 - 11:30 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This workshop is tailored for postgraduate researchers interested in applying for small-scale funding opportunities, such as attending conferences or organizing events. Geared towards those with limited or no prior experience, it covers the essential considerations of the funding application process, and includes a hands-on exercise to provide practical insights into evaluating funding applications.

Monday 3 February


From Surviving to Thriving: strategies to do your research and wellbeing just a little bit better.

While a joyful curiosity might be the fuel of research, doing it day-to-day can be really tough. The purpose of this programme is to help researchers move – even just a little bit – from a sense of merely surviving within the research process to thriving within it. Eschewing the hyperbole of the self-help industry, this programme provides participants with practical tools and strategies grounded in the psychological literature to help you do your research and nurture your wellbeing just a little bit better.

Whilst this programme of five sessions has been designed as a set, with each building on the one before – as participants move from a sense of ‘surviving’ to ‘thriving’ – each individual session is standalone, meaning you can book and attend the whole series or just those which you think may be particularly useful.

Session 1: Developing Your Resilience

This first session might be useful if you have a sense of being stuck in a hole and want to stop digging. To do this, it explores what might be seen as the ‘Six Cs’ of Resilience. In the process, the session helps you, amongst other things, to: apply an essential three-step ‘coping mantra’ for when things go wrong; develop individually more useful perspectives about your research to boost resilience; formulate individual strategies to boost your senses of community and wellbeing.

This training is provided free of charge to postgraduate researchers, however, the cost of providing the course is £30 per participant.

Starting your PhD (STEMM) Finished 13:30 - 15:30 Online

You are beginning one of the most exciting, yet challenging programmes of your academic career. You have entered a new lab, with a new supervisor, new lab colleagues and a new project. This workshop will explore what it means to do a PhD, think about how to establish meaningful student-supervisor relationships, and how to plan for a productive PhD project.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 16:00 - 16:30 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Public Engagement: Drop-in Sessions Finished 16:30 - 17:00 Online

A series of 30-minute drop-in sessions to talk with a member of the Public Engagement team. We offer expert advice to support your public engagement work, engagement processes and activities. These include:

  • engagement types and the appropriate format to engage effectively and collaboratively
  • engagement opportunities
  • extensive training portfolio for researchers and professional staff to build skills and confidence
  • funding schemes and resources to inform and support develop projects, events and activities

These sessions are not workshops or taught sessions.

Based on your area of expertise and depending on your School affiliation, you can book a time with one of our public engagement professionals:

  • Dr Lucinda Spokes, Head of Public Engagement, all areas and schools - Monday, 16:00-16:30 and 16:30-17:00
  • Dr Diogo Martins-Gomes, Public Engagement and Communications Manager, Clinical School and School of Biological Sciences - Wednesday, 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-13:00
  • Dr Claudia Antolini, Public Engagement Manager, School of Physical Sciences and School of Technology - Thursday 14:00-14:30 and 14:30-15:00

The team will be available every week, each mentor offering two sessions of 30 minutes in the day and time indicated above. We will release new slots in the same days and times a couple of months in advance.

Please book for the day and time you would like to attend, and you will receive closer to the session the Teams link to meet with the mentor. The link will be sent by RDP Course Administrator. Please make sure that that e-mail address does not go to your spam folder.

Tuesday 4 February


From Surviving to Thriving: strategies to do your research and wellbeing just a little bit better.

While a joyful curiosity might be the fuel of research, doing it day-to-day can be really tough. The purpose of this programme is to help researchers move – even just a little bit – from a sense of merely surviving within the research process to thriving within it. Eschewing the hyperbole of the self-help industry, this programme provides participants with practical tools and strategies grounded in the psychological literature to help you do your research and nurture your wellbeing just a little bit better.

Whilst this programme of five sessions has been designed as a set, with each building on the one before – as participants move from a sense of ‘surviving’ to ‘thriving’ – each individual session is standalone, meaning you can book and attend the whole series or just those which you think may be particularly useful.

Session 2: Managing Your Procrastination

This session aims to help you manage your procrastination by:

  • Exploring the two fundamental principles to overcome putting things off;
  • Helping you build your own individual toolkit of strategies and simple ‘tricks and tips’ to help you manage your procrastination;
  • Helping you reflect on why you procrastinate and the most important thing you need to know to overcome it.

This training is provided free of charge to postgraduate researchers, however, the cost of providing the course is £30 per participant.

Engaged Researcher - Planning your Public Engagement Finished 11:00 - 12:45 Titan Teaching Room 3, New Museums Site

We love a plan! In our Introduction to Public Engagement course, we introduced you to planning using a logic model. In this practical session, we’ll use this tool in exercises that will allow you to think about why you want to engage, the outcomes and impact you want to achieve, who you want to engage with and how to reach them.

We’ll look at how to run your project efficiently and how you might evaluate to learn and evidence your success. We’ll also consider the places you run events in, the resources you might need, tips on event planning and how you can make your engagement more inclusive.

You don’t need to come with a plan, we’ll start with hypothetical challenges to spark thoughts and ideas and share learning together.

The course will be run by members of the Public Engagement team - Lucinda Spokes, Diogo Gomes and Claudia Antolini. As part of this course, we will provide information on how we support public engagement across the University.

Imposter Syndrome new Finished 14:00 - 15:30 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03d

Wonder if your success is a result of luck? Afraid that people important to you may find out that you are not as capable as they think you are? Or know someone at work who thinks this way?

This workshop will help you reduce the impact that the Imposter Phenomenon thinking pattern has on your work life in a kind and non-judgemental environment. Together we will build your evidence based and neural pathways to help banish undermining thoughts.

This training is provided free of charge to postgraduate researchers, however, the cost of providing the course is £30 per participant.

Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation?

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics working with professional journalists. It is an open access, independent media charity funded by more than 80 UK and European universities.

In this interactive session we'll take you through what The Conversation is - our origins and aims; what we do and why.

We’ll look at why you should communicate your research to the public and take you through The Conversation’s unique, collaborative editorial process.

We’ll give you tips on style, tone and structure (with examples), look at how to pitch (with examples) and look at different approaches and article types.