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Tue 14 Jan 2025
11:00 - 12:30

Venue: Department of Pathology, Dixon Room

Provided by: Cambridge University Libraries


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Fair Attribution and Publishing for Technicians

Tue 14 Jan 2025


Fair attribution for technicians through either co-authorship or direct acknowledgement in research publications is a key component of the ‘visibility’ and ‘recognition’ areas of the Technician Commitment, of which the University of Cambridge was a founding signatory in 2017.

However, there is currently no policy or standard practice for acknowledging the role of technicians, equipment and facilities in the University or the wider sector. Technicians experience a great disparity in their recognition and visibility in scholarly outputs.

This interactive workshop will introduce you to the scholarly communications process as well as tools such as CRediT and ORCID, and facilitate conversation amongst peers.

Target audience

Technicians from across the University, in particular those who are involved in or support research.

The workshop is open to technicians at any grade or level and you don’t have to have the word ‘technician’ in your job title! We are keen to have a mixture of participants who have experience of authorship or acknowledgement in publications as well as those who don’t yet.


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainers
1 Tue 14 Jan   11:00 - 12:30 11:00 - 12:30 Department of Pathology, Dixon Room map Lucy Woolhouse,  Frances Marsh

This is a live, in-person session that will involve elements of interactivity and working with others. If you require any help before the session, such as accessibility support, please email the Genetics Librarian, Lucy Woolhouse ( for further assistance.

System requirements

If you are able to bring a laptop with you, that would be preferred. If necessary you should be able to access the activity on a smartphone.

CUL Research Skills

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