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University of Cambridge Training

All-provider course timetable


Sat 11 Jan – Tue 14 Jan

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[ No events on Sat 11 Jan ]

Monday 13 January

Ind-E-Pay - UAT testing briefing new Finished 09:30 - 11:30 Finance Division, Greenwich House, Ferrara Room (IT Training Room)

This is a classroom session to be held at Greenwich House - All delegates will need to bring a laptop (and charging cable if required)

Please note - there is no parking available at Greenwich House. The Madingley Park and Ride is a 15-minute walk and the Universal Bus stops on Madingley Road.

This session will provide an introduction to Ind-E-Pay with a demonstration of the system and instructions for the UAT testing period.

Annual Meeting for Directors of Teaching and Senior Tutors Finished 10:00 - 13:00 Student Services Centre, Exams Hall, Room AG03c

The annual meeting for Directors of Teaching and Senior Tutors, which is organised by the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning, will be opened by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education, Professor Bhaskar Vira.

The annual meeting will provide an opportunity to share ideas, expertise and good practice, and to hear about and inform some of the collegiate University's larger conversations about undergraduate education.

This year's annual meeting will include a focus on the ongoing Teaching Review, where colleagues in the School of Physical Sciences will touch on the implications the review will have on their educational practices. The meeting will also highlight work the Department of Chemistry are undertaking around student engagement and assessment to help inform developments to the Chemistry Tripos.

Please visit our website for information.

You may also be interested to know of a separate event: the annual meeting for Directors of Postgraduate Education and Postgraduate Tutors on Monday 20 January 2025.

Medicine: Embase and Medline Q & A Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session is aimed at NHS and University of Cambridge staff or students who have already had prior training in database searching and want to learn more about the features of Embase and Medline via the Ovid interface. Those who want to attend an introductory session should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching course, or the Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching if they are NHS staff.

Ind-E-Pay UAT testing session - Set up testing new Finished 12:00 - 15:00 Finance Division, Greenwich House, Ferrara Room (IT Training Room)

This is a classroom session to be held at Greenwich House - All delegates will need to bring a laptop (and charging cable if required)

Please note - there is no parking available at Greenwich House. The Madingley Park and Ride is a 15-minute walk and the Universal Bus stops on Madingley Road.

A testing session for the Ind-E-Pay UAT phase. This session will primarily be for the set up phase of the process, where possible testers should also attend one of the payment request testing sessions.

Introduction to Evaluation - carousel / additional sessions new POSTPONED 14:00 - 15:00 Student Services Centre, A330 Counselling Service

Introduction to Evaluation carousel workshop for outreach staff from across the university who can benefit from free professional development to improve their practice.

An Introduction to Undergraduate Supervision (Essay-Based Subjects) Finished 14:00 - 17:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This practical programme is only for those who are scheduled to begin supervising in the next few months; it is not for those who - at this point - have a general interest in learning more about supervisions but have not arranged to start supervising.

This workshop is the second component of a three-part programme, which is designed to be completed in the following order:

1. A self-paced online module containing information on the Cambridge supervision system and introducing the principles and practices of effective teaching and learning, which must be completed before attending this workshop.
2. This in-person workshop that incorporates personal reflection on teaching practice, design of learning activities, discussion of real teaching scenarios, a chance to discuss and ask questions and access to practical information about organising and carrying out your supervisions.
3. An optional follow-up session for those who wish to explore further after gaining some supervision experience.

Please note that everyone new to supervising undergraduates at Cambridge must complete this course: both the online module and the workshop (or equivalent face-to-face training provided by your Department or Faculty).

Medicine: Zotero Q & A Finished 14:00 - 15:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

An introductory session showcasing how to manage your references using Zotero.

Please note that this session is taking place remotely, not in the Medical Library. Please do not go to the Medical Library training room. You will be contacted by the training team with information about how to join the session remotely.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.


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Tuesday 14 January

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement Finished 09:00 - 10:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.

Physics Health & Safety: Physics of Medicine (PoM) Induction Finished 09:00 - 10:30 Department of Physics

General induction for users of the Physics of Medicine (PoM) building. This includes a guided tour of the facility.

Participants will gain access to PoM only after successfully completing the Physics H&S Induction - see "Related Courses" below.

AI Clinic Slot new Finished 09:00 - 09:30

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Meet the Accelerate Programme's team of AI experts to find the support you need.

The Accelerate Programme's AI clinic is designed to help with challenging software issues a scientist encounters in all phases of the research pipeline when utilising machine learning. This includes issues related to: data collection, implementing privacy and compliance controls, data pipelines, model implementation, hardware/GPU matters, deploying models on the cloud, and packaging & publishing models.

We define a challenging software issue as one that is difficult to find online guidance/tutorials on, or basically one that you have attempted to resolve via multiple approaches but had no success in doing so.

No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to book a session and talk to our team to see how we can support you to implement AI in your research.

The clinic is open at any time for support so if you want to get in touch before your session or to book an earlier time, please email

Coaching Skills for Managers Finished 09:30 - 12:30 N/A - MS Teams

Coaching is an essential tool for managers and other professionals to use to help individuals to unlock their full potential and enhance their performance. You will be introduced to the technique of coaching and focus on the development of a range of skills that may be used to coach others effectively. This course is highly participative and will include the opportunity to practice your coaching skills.

Introduction to the Unix command line (ONLINE LIVE TRAINING) (1 of 2) Finished 09:30 - 13:00 Bioinformatics Training Facility - Online LIVE Training

The Unix shell (command line) is a powerful and essential tool for modern researchers, in particular those working in computational disciplines such as bioinformatics and large-scale data analysis. In this course we will explore the basic structure of the Unix operating system and how we can interact with it using a basic set of commands. You will learn how to navigate the filesystem, manipulate text-based data and combine multiple commands to quickly extract information from large data files. You will also learn how to write scripts and use programmatic techniques to automate task repetition.

If you do not have a University of Cambridge Raven account please book or register your interest here.

Additional information
  • Our courses are only free for registered University of Cambridge students. All other participants will be charged according to our charging policy.
  • Attendance will be taken on all courses and a charge is applied for non-attendance. After you have booked a place, if you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, please email the Bioinfo Team.
  • Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.
Analysing Business Processes: Where Do I Start? Finished 09:30 - 12:00 CPMO: MS Teams

This short session will provide an understanding of the principles, tools and techniques involved in Process Analysis with a view to improving business process effectiveness and efficiency. Delegates will have the opportunity to practice using the techniques that they learn via exercises designed to be enjoyable and thought provoking.

AI Clinic Slot new Finished 09:30 - 10:00

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Meet the Accelerate Programme's team of AI experts to find the support you need.

The Accelerate Programme's AI clinic is designed to help with challenging software issues a scientist encounters in all phases of the research pipeline when utilising machine learning. This includes issues related to: data collection, implementing privacy and compliance controls, data pipelines, model implementation, hardware/GPU matters, deploying models on the cloud, and packaging & publishing models.

We define a challenging software issue as one that is difficult to find online guidance/tutorials on, or basically one that you have attempted to resolve via multiple approaches but had no success in doing so.

No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to book a session and talk to our team to see how we can support you to implement AI in your research.

The clinic is open at any time for support so if you want to get in touch before your session or to book an earlier time, please email

St Edmund's College: Exam Invigilator Training - In person Finished 10:00 - 11:00 St Edmund's College, Garden Room

The session is designed to provide essential guidance and case studies for students undertaking exam invigilation for in-college examinations. You will have an opportunity to talk to College Examination Administrators as well as experienced Invigilators.

Please Note: It is important that when you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar.

  • See Related Courses for related events
AI Clinic Slot new Finished 10:00 - 10:30

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Meet the Accelerate Programme's team of AI experts to find the support you need.

The Accelerate Programme's AI clinic is designed to help with challenging software issues a scientist encounters in all phases of the research pipeline when utilising machine learning. This includes issues related to: data collection, implementing privacy and compliance controls, data pipelines, model implementation, hardware/GPU matters, deploying models on the cloud, and packaging & publishing models.

We define a challenging software issue as one that is difficult to find online guidance/tutorials on, or basically one that you have attempted to resolve via multiple approaches but had no success in doing so.

No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to book a session and talk to our team to see how we can support you to implement AI in your research.

The clinic is open at any time for support so if you want to get in touch before your session or to book an earlier time, please email

Medicine: PubMed Q & A Finished 10:00 - 11:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

This session is aimed at NHS and University of Cambridge staff or students who have already had prior training in database searching and want to learn more about the features of PubMed. Those who want to attend an introductory session should book onto the Introduction to Literature Searching course, or the Getting the Best Results - Improving Your Database Searching if they are NHS staff.

Disability Awareness Workshop - Neurobox new Finished 10:30 - 13:00 Department of Engineering Online

This is a 1 hour, 30-minute workshop, looking at an overview of Disability Awareness with Neurobox.

Neurobox is a leading workplace adjustments provider in Cambridge, dedicated to fostering inclusive and accessible work environments for disabled and neurodivergent individuals.

This session is to enable colleagues to become more aware of the needs of employees and colleagues with disabilities and long-term health conditions.

What does disability mean?

Disclosing a disability

How might a disability affect a person’s work?

Barriers that people with disabilities face

What are and are not reasonable adjustments

Legislation including The Disability Discrimination Act and The Equality Act

AI Clinic Slot new Finished 10:30 - 11:00

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Meet the Accelerate Programme's team of AI experts to find the support you need.

The Accelerate Programme's AI clinic is designed to help with challenging software issues a scientist encounters in all phases of the research pipeline when utilising machine learning. This includes issues related to: data collection, implementing privacy and compliance controls, data pipelines, model implementation, hardware/GPU matters, deploying models on the cloud, and packaging & publishing models.

We define a challenging software issue as one that is difficult to find online guidance/tutorials on, or basically one that you have attempted to resolve via multiple approaches but had no success in doing so.

No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to book a session and talk to our team to see how we can support you to implement AI in your research.

The clinic is open at any time for support so if you want to get in touch before your session or to book an earlier time, please email

CHRIS - An Introduction Research Office (Live Online Using MS Teams) Finished 10:30 - 12:00 UIS Online Microsoft Teams 4

This course is specific to the Research Office Attendees are new starters and names and CRSids communicated by Thomas Carne


The Finance Division values the professionalism and commitment of its members and therefore encourages all staff to develop their skills and knowledge. This short session will outline for you the Division’s policy on training and development, as well as highlighting resources from across the University that you can utilise.

Fair Attribution and Publishing for Technicians Finished 11:00 - 12:30 Department of Pathology, Dixon Room

Fair attribution for technicians through either co-authorship or direct acknowledgement in research publications is a key component of the ‘visibility’ and ‘recognition’ areas of the Technician Commitment, of which the University of Cambridge was a founding signatory in 2017.

However, there is currently no policy or standard practice for acknowledging the role of technicians, equipment and facilities in the University or the wider sector. Technicians experience a great disparity in their recognition and visibility in scholarly outputs.

This interactive workshop will introduce you to the scholarly communications process as well as tools such as CRediT and ORCID, and facilitate conversation amongst peers.

AI Clinic Slot new Finished 11:00 - 11:30

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Meet the Accelerate Programme's team of AI experts to find the support you need.

The Accelerate Programme's AI clinic is designed to help with challenging software issues a scientist encounters in all phases of the research pipeline when utilising machine learning. This includes issues related to: data collection, implementing privacy and compliance controls, data pipelines, model implementation, hardware/GPU matters, deploying models on the cloud, and packaging & publishing models.

We define a challenging software issue as one that is difficult to find online guidance/tutorials on, or basically one that you have attempted to resolve via multiple approaches but had no success in doing so.

No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to book a session and talk to our team to see how we can support you to implement AI in your research.

The clinic is open at any time for support so if you want to get in touch before your session or to book an earlier time, please email

Physics Health & Safety - In-Lab Tour for Users of SP Cleanroom new Finished 11:00 - 12:00 Department of Physics

This in-lab induction and guided tour is for authorised users of the Semiconductor Physics Clean Room in the Mott

AI Clinic Slot new Finished 11:30 - 12:00

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Meet the Accelerate Programme's team of AI experts to find the support you need.

The Accelerate Programme's AI clinic is designed to help with challenging software issues a scientist encounters in all phases of the research pipeline when utilising machine learning. This includes issues related to: data collection, implementing privacy and compliance controls, data pipelines, model implementation, hardware/GPU matters, deploying models on the cloud, and packaging & publishing models.

We define a challenging software issue as one that is difficult to find online guidance/tutorials on, or basically one that you have attempted to resolve via multiple approaches but had no success in doing so.

No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to book a session and talk to our team to see how we can support you to implement AI in your research.

The clinic is open at any time for support so if you want to get in touch before your session or to book an earlier time, please email

Your Voice, Your Wellbeing: Staff Wellbeing Consultation Event new Finished 12:00 - 16:15 West Hub, East Room 2

The Staff Wellbeing Team and ThinkLab invite you to "Your Voice, Your Wellbeing: Staff Wellbeing Consultation Event." This collaborative and interactive session focuses on shaping the future of staff wellbeing at Cambridge.


  • Expert Insights: Hear from guest speakers Thomas Roulet and Kiran Bhatti on their Wellbeing Intelligence model and it’s applications for personal development, team dynamics, and organisational health.
  • Wellbeing Workshop: Contributing ideas that will shape the development of the Staff Wellbeing Action Plan.
  • Leadership Perspective: Kamal , Pro-Vice-Chancellor, will share insights and his personal strategies for managing wellbeing.
  • Focus Groups: Participate in focus groups the will contribute to wellbeing benchmarking research.
  • Wellbeing Activities: Build self-awareness and skills for self-care and workplace support.

Agenda for the day

  • 12:00pm - 12:15pm Introduction by Staff Wellbeing Team & ThinkLab
  • 12:15pm - 12:45pm Networking and Ideation (light lunch available)
  • 12:45pm - 1:30pm "Wellbeing Intelligence" by Thomas Roulet and Kiran Bhatti
  • 1:30pm - 2:30pm Group Workshops and Guided Discussion
  • 2:30pm - 3:00pm Address by Kamal Munir
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm Permission to Pause workshop facilitated by Tiny Pause
  • 4:00pm - 4:15 pm Closing Remarks
  • Focus Groups facilitated by Advance HE running throughout the event

Please Note: Once you have booked on the course, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

Collaboration Tools: Microsoft Teams - Webinars (Live Online using MS Teams) new Finished 13:30 - 15:30 UIS Online Microsoft Teams 4

Are you organising an event with a larger audience, and considering using Teams? Webinars are ideal for business and educational purposes, such as training sessions, demonstrations, virtual conferences, and academic lectures.

Confused over the various types of webinars? You may be aware of Live Events (soon to be updated to Town Halls) as an alternative to this course on Webinars; Live Events have a more structured delivery style and require an individual to take the role of producer to advance the next slide. Webinars are similar to a Teams meeting and are more intuitive to use.

Teams Webinars typically involve a combination of audio and visual elements where the presenters share their video feed, give presentations, or other multimedia content, while participants can ask questions, provide feedback, and participate in discussions through chat, Q&A or other interactive features such as breakout rooms.

This course will give you the opportunity to learn how to mitigate technical problems on the day, and to practise managing your content before you go live! Both organisers and presenters will find this course useful.

The course is taught using Microsoft Teams and you must have the Teams desktop installed on your computer to participate.

Please Note: When you book on this course, on your booking confirmation page, click on Add to Calendar to start the process to import the course appointment into your calendar. This contains the link to the MS Teams course meeting under Joining Instructions that you will use to join on the day of the course.

  • See Related Courses below to take your skills further
Postdoc Academy Masterclass: What is Lean? Finished 14:00 - 15:30 Online

This short, interactive session will introduce the fundamental principles of Lean - a methodology which prioritises continuous improvement and respect for people.

Lean is a philosophy and way of working which removes waste from activities and ensures that emphasis is given to tasks that provide added value. Originally developed by Toyota, it is now widely used across many sectors including the NHS and Higher Education.

During this masterclass for postdocs, you will:

  • gain a high-level understanding of continuous improvement tools and techniques, and how you can apply them
  • develop skills to identify and remove waste in your day-to-day activities to become more effective and efficient.

Please note: when you book this course, on the booking confirmation page, select Add to Calendar to start importing the appointment to your calendar.

An Introduction to Undergraduate Supervision (Essay-Based Subjects) CANCELLED 14:00 - 17:00 Student Services Centre, New Wing Seminar Room

This practical programme is only for those who are scheduled to begin supervising in the next few months; it is not for those who - at this point - have a general interest in learning more about supervisions but have not arranged to start supervising.

This workshop is the second component of a three-part programme, which is designed to be completed in the following order:

1. A self-paced online module containing information on the Cambridge supervision system and introducing the principles and practices of effective teaching and learning, which must be completed before attending this workshop.
2. This in-person workshop that incorporates personal reflection on teaching practice, design of learning activities, discussion of real teaching scenarios, a chance to discuss and ask questions and access to practical information about organising and carrying out your supervisions.
3. An optional follow-up session for those who wish to explore further after gaining some supervision experience.

Please note that everyone new to supervising undergraduates at Cambridge must complete this course: both the online module and the workshop (or equivalent face-to-face training provided by your Department or Faculty).

Ind-E-Pay UAT testing session - Payment request testing new Finished 14:00 - 16:30 Finance Division, Greenwich House, Ferrara Room (IT Training Room)

This is a classroom session to be held at Greenwich House - All delegates will need to bring a laptop (and charging cable if required)

Please note - there is no parking available at Greenwich House. The Madingley Park and Ride is a 15-minute walk and the Universal Bus stops on Madingley Road.

A testing session for the Ind-E-Pay UAT phase. This session will primarily be for the payment request part of the process. Testers should also have attended one of the set up testing sessions.

Tableau Drop In Sessions (via Teams) new Finished 15:00 - 15:30 Via MS Teams

This is an opportunity for the members of the University to go one-on-one with Tableau experts across the Business Information and Strategic Insights Team, who can help you solve challenges.

Medicine: EndNote Q & A Finished 15:00 - 16:00 Cambridge University Libraries Online

An introductory session showcasing how to manage your references using EndNote desktop and EndNote online.

Please note: this session may be recorded. By signing up for the session, you register your consent for recording to take place. Please email if you have any questions about this.

Drop In Session - Continuous Improvement Finished 16:00 - 17:00 CPMO: MS Teams

A series of 30 minute drop-in sessions to talk with one of the Continuous Improvement team. We offer expert, impartial advice relating all things process improvement and want to support our colleagues on their own continuous improvement journeys.

Please note, these sessions are informal, 1-2-1 meetings where colleagues can ask for advice and guidance from the team. These are not workshops or taught sessions.

The team will be available 9-10 and 4-5 every Tuesday and Friday - each hour can be split into two sessions of 30 minutes depending on demand.