Sustainability course timetable
November 2019
Fri 15 |
This training is aimed at staff and students who want to take part in Green Impact this year as part of a laboratory team. It's aimed at those who are new to Green Impact, who are interested in getting a Labs award. We'll briefly show you how to log into the Green Impact 'workbook' and set up a new team, run through the requirements of a Labs award, and give a brief overview of some of the actions in the 'Labs' tab. Click on the 'other dates' to the left for our Bronze, Silver, and 'Archive workbook' sessions. |
Mon 25 |
Colleges Systemslink Training
![]() Systemlink is a software programme with an online portal, which is used to record energy use in College buildings. You can use this portal to monitor energy use in your buildings and potentially identify areas for improvement. This training will provide an overview of Systemslink and an introduction on how to use it. What you learn will help you get the most out of the new Service Level Agreement. Learning Objectives:
February 2020
Tue 4 |
SystemsLink training for Colleges
![]() This session will provide an introduction to the SLA (bill validation service) and teach you how to read and upload meter reads in SystemsLink. A brief guide to running basic energy consumption reports will also be presented.
SystemsLink training for Colleges
![]() This session will provide an introduction to the SLA (bill validation service) and teach you how to read and upload meter reads in SystemsLink. A brief guide to running basic energy consumption reports will also be presented.
Mon 17 |
We know that laboratories use lots of energy, water and resources. We know they produce mountains of waste. We know we can do better. But where should we invest our efforts to improve things? In this workshop we will help you become more conscious of the carbon flows in your labs and help you identify the worthwhile improvements that you can make. Please only sign up to one of the sessions. The content will be repeated. Up to 15 participants for each session.
Tue 18 |
We know that laboratories use lots of energy, water and resources. We know they produce mountains of waste. We know we can do better. But where should we invest our efforts to improve things? In this workshop we will help you become more conscious of the carbon flows in your labs and help you identify the worthwhile improvements that you can make. Please only sign up to one of the sessions. The content will be repeated. Up to 15 participants for each session.
Fri 21 |
We know that laboratories use lots of energy, water and resources. We know they produce mountains of waste. We know we can do better. But where should we invest our efforts to improve things? In this workshop we will help you become more conscious of the carbon flows in your labs and help you identify the worthwhile improvements that you can make. Please only sign up to one of the sessions. The content will be repeated. Up to 15 participants for each session.
July 2020
Wed 29 |
Each of the Cambridge Colleges has been provided with an Excel-based spreadsheet, which enables the College to develop its own Science Based Target (SBT) for carbon reduction. The purpose of this training is to explain what data needs to be added to the tool, and how to do this, in order to generate the target. The training will also provide a brief introduction to SBTs, and demonstrate how each College can produce their 2019/20 carbon emissions report using the tool. The trainer is Chris Tuppen from Advancing Sustainability Limited. The training is being delivered via Microsoft Teams. There are 3 sessions available, these are identical sessions so please only book on ONE session |
August 2020
Thu 13 |
Each of the Cambridge Colleges has been provided with an Excel-based spreadsheet, which enables the College to develop its own Science Based Target (SBT) for carbon reduction. The purpose of this training is to explain what data needs to be added to the tool, and how to do this, in order to generate the target. The training will also provide a brief introduction to SBTs, and demonstrate how each College can produce their 2019/20 carbon emissions report using the tool. The trainer is Chris Tuppen from Advancing Sustainability Limited. The training is being delivered via Microsoft Teams. There are 3 sessions available, these are identical sessions so please only book on ONE session |
September 2020
Tue 1 |
Each of the Cambridge Colleges has been provided with an Excel-based spreadsheet, which enables the College to develop its own Science Based Target (SBT) for carbon reduction. The purpose of this training is to explain what data needs to be added to the tool, and how to do this, in order to generate the target. The training will also provide a brief introduction to SBTs, and demonstrate how each College can produce their 2019/20 carbon emissions report using the tool. The trainer is Chris Tuppen from Advancing Sustainability Limited. The training is being delivered via Microsoft Teams. There are 3 sessions available, these are identical sessions so please only book on ONE session |
Tue 29 |
Green Labs has teamed up with Eppendorf to provide refresher training on cold storage best practice for you to apply to your own lab.
Content delivered will not be promotional and staff who use other brands are equally encouraged to attend. A similar event was run in-person in 2019. This one will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams and is not space limited, so your whole lab should sign-up and attend too! A link to join will be sent to attendees a couple of days before the event. CPD eligible. |
November 2020
Mon 2 |
Green Impact 2020 launch event
![]() Book your place before midnight on Thursday 29 October The 2020 Green Impact launch event will give you all the information you need to start making an environmental difference in your department, lab or College. Last year, 43 teams completed over 2,400 actions to encourage sustainable behaviour in their workplaces. Don’t get left behind! Join us and help create a sustainable University. The event will take place on MS Teams and attendees will be emailed a full agenda, including meeting links, nearer the event itself. For now, brief details of the event can be found below:
We expect the presentation section of the event to take between 45mins and 1hr, this will then be followed by the option of themed breakout rooms to answer any questions that you may have. Full timings and details of the event will be emailed to attendees before the event so stay tuned! If you can't make the event then please still sign up as we will be sending the event recording to everyone who has registered on this page. For more info on Green Impact please visit and if you have any questions about the event please contact |
Thu 19 |
EECs Michaelmas catch up
![]() Come along to the first virtual EEC get-together of Michaelmas term to catch up with other EECs and hear the latest from the Environment and Energy Section. We will be joined by Rachel Steward, Environmental Manager, who is part of the team working hard to deliver a significant and measurable improvement in the biodiversity of the University's estate. Rachel will be providing an update on progress so far and highlighting action the University is taking to fulfil the 10-year vision set out in its Biodiversity Action Plan. This is a really exciting time for the University and we look forward to sharing progress with you. After you’ve asked everything you can think to ask about biodiversity/sustainability, you will have the opportunity to join smaller breakout rooms with other EECs. This is our virtual substitute for chatting around cake and sandwiches so, whilst it is absolutely optional, we do hope you take the opportunity to really catch up and get to know each other – a lot has changed since we were all last together! We estimate that breakout rooms will begin at 11:45 but there will be no cut-off time, meaning that you will be able to stay and chat for as long as you wish. Full details of the event, including MS Teams meeting links, will be emailed to attendees ahead of the event. |
Wed 25 |
The University has made a commitment to establish and implement a University-wide Environmental Management System (EMS) in line with the international standard ISO 14001:2015. We have been working with a consultant, Karen Gallagher, to develop the remaining elements of the EMS. Work has been slowed by the Covid-19 pandemic but with the onset of the new academic year and us all working in a ‘new normal’ we hope to push forward with establishing the remaining elements of the EMS. This will involve, amongst other things, duty of care and compliance training for relevant operational staff; the continuation of internal audits tackling our areas of high risk first; and checking the competency of staff that have a role in the EMS and identifying any gaps in training needs. This briefing is for colleagues within the Estates Division and Safety Office and the purpose of the briefing is to:
The briefing will take place on MS Teams and attendees will be emailed a full agenda, including meeting links, nearer the time. |
Mon 30 |
Are you a member of staff interested in sustainability? Would you like to join a growing community helping to raise environmental awareness across the University? Find out more about becoming a voluntary Environment and Energy Coordinator (EEC), including a role description and core activities, on the Sustainability Team's website. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then please come along to this induction to hear more about the role and join the community. The induction will take place over MS Teams and will be your opportunity to find out about the University’s sustainability work, how you can get involved, and to meet others in your cohort of new EECs. After this induction, you will formally become part of the EEC network at the University and have access to bespoke training opportunities and events. |
January 2021
Tue 12 |
Are you a member of staff interested in sustainability? Would you like to join a growing community helping to raise environmental awareness across the University? Find out more about becoming a voluntary Environment and Energy Coordinator (EEC), including a role description and core activities, on the Sustainability Team's website. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then please come along to this induction to hear more about the role and join the community. The induction will take place over MS Teams and will be your opportunity to find out about the University’s sustainability work, how you can get involved, and to meet others in your cohort of new EECs. After this induction, you will formally become part of the EEC network at the University and have access to bespoke training opportunities and events. |
Wed 13 |
The University has made a commitment to establish and implement a University-wide Environmental Management System (EMS) in line with the international standard ISO 14001:2015. We have been working with a consultant, Karen Gallagher, to develop the remaining elements of the EMS. Work has been slowed by the Covid-19 pandemic but with the onset of the new academic year and us all working in a ‘new normal’ we hope to push forward with establishing the remaining elements of the EMS. This will involve, amongst other things, duty of care and compliance training for relevant operational staff; the continuation of internal audits tackling our areas of high risk first; and checking the competency of staff that have a role in the EMS and identifying any gaps in training needs. This briefing is for colleagues within the Estates Division and Safety Office and the purpose of the briefing is to:
The briefing will take place on MS Teams and attendees will be emailed a full agenda, including meeting links, nearer the time. |
February 2021
Mon 8 |
EECs Lent catch up
![]() Come along to the Lent term EEC get-together to catch up with other EECs and hear the latest from the University's Sustainability Team. Following presentations from the Sustainability Team and a Q&A session, you will have the opportunity to join smaller breakout rooms with other EECs. This is our virtual substitute for chatting around cake and sandwiches so, whilst it is absolutely optional, we do hope you take the opportunity to really catch up and get to know each other. We estimate that breakout rooms will begin at 11:45 but there will be no cut-off time, meaning that you will be able to stay and chat for as long as you wish. Full details of the event, including MS Teams meeting links, will be emailed to attendees ahead of the event. |
Mon 22 |
Are you a member of staff interested in sustainability? Would you like to join a growing community helping to raise environmental awareness across the University? Find out more about becoming a voluntary Environment and Energy Coordinator (EEC), including a role description and core activities, on the Sustainability Team's website. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then please come along to this induction to hear more about the role and join the community. The induction will take place over MS Teams and will be your opportunity to find out about the University’s sustainability work, how you can get involved, and to meet others in your cohort of new EECs. After this induction, you will formally become part of the EEC network at the University and have access to bespoke training opportunities and events. |
March 2021
Wed 24 |
Single Out workshops
![]() We’ve known for many years that the 'make, use, dispose’ way of life is having a big impact on our environment. Our use of single-use items not only fills up landfills, chokes our rivers and seas, but also contributes to dwindling natural resources. Recent audits of the University of Cambridge’s waste have shown how big the issue of single-use disposable waste is, but there are also many great examples of waste reduction which reinforce just how big of a change we could make if we can better understand the issue of single-use disposables, and find solutions that help to reduce, replace, reuse or recycle the most problematic items. In these two workshops, we'll be looking in detail at the findings of the recent 'Single out Survey' ( and focusing on finding solutions which eliminate, reduce, replace or recycle those items which add the most to the University’s waste. The workshop is being run jointly by the University Sustainability Team and OurCambridge's 'Simplifying Our Processes' team. 'There are two sessions:'
Thu 25 |
Single Out workshops
![]() We’ve known for many years that the 'make, use, dispose’ way of life is having a big impact on our environment. Our use of single-use items not only fills up landfills, chokes our rivers and seas, but also contributes to dwindling natural resources. Recent audits of the University of Cambridge’s waste have shown how big the issue of single-use disposable waste is, but there are also many great examples of waste reduction which reinforce just how big of a change we could make if we can better understand the issue of single-use disposables, and find solutions that help to reduce, replace, reuse or recycle the most problematic items. In these two workshops, we'll be looking in detail at the findings of the recent 'Single out Survey' ( and focusing on finding solutions which eliminate, reduce, replace or recycle those items which add the most to the University’s waste. The workshop is being run jointly by the University Sustainability Team and OurCambridge's 'Simplifying Our Processes' team. 'There are two sessions:'
Fri 26 |
Are you a member of staff interested in sustainability? Would you like to join a growing community helping to raise environmental awareness across the University? Find out more about becoming a voluntary Environment and Energy Coordinator (EEC), including a role description and core activities, on the Sustainability Team's website. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then please come along to this induction to hear more about the role and join the community. The induction will take place over MS Teams and will be your opportunity to find out about the University’s sustainability work, how you can get involved, and to meet others in your cohort of new EECs. After this induction, you will formally become part of the EEC network at the University and have access to bespoke training opportunities and events. |
Tue 30 |
The University has made a commitment to establish and implement a University-wide Environmental Management System (EMS) in line with the international standard ISO 14001:2015. We have been working with a consultant, Karen Gallagher, to develop the EMS. Work has been slowed by the Covid-19 pandemic but this year we hope to push forward with establishing the EMS. This will involve, amongst other things, understanding what processes and procedures we already have in place and signposting to these from the EMS; duty of care and compliance training for relevant operational staff; the continuation of internal audits tackling our areas of high risk first; and checking the competency of staff that have a role in the EMS and identifying any gaps in training needs. |
June 2021
Tue 8 |
EECs Easter catch up
![]() Save the date! Come along to the Lent term EEC get-together to catch up with other EECs and hear the latest from the University's Sustainability Team. Full details of the event, including confirmation of whether this event will be held online or in-person, will be emailed to attendees ahead of the event. |
July 2021
Wed 21 |
Do you know about environmental legislation that you need to comply with in your University role? The University has committed to developing an Environmental Management System (EMS) in line with the international standard ISO:14001. As part of this, a programme of audits will soon take place, to determine compliance of University buildings and sites with environmental legislation. In this briefing session, we're providing relevant University staff with an overview of some of the key areas of environmental legislation that a typical EMS audit would cover, including practical tips and actions for staying compliant. |