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Tue 15 Oct 2024
09:30 - 11:00

Venue: Greenwich House, Cairo Room

Provided by: Cambridge Research Office

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Full Economic Costing (fEC) Briefing

Tue 15 Oct 2024


The full economic costing methodology (fEC) is required for costing all research grant proposals. This allows departments to budget for:

‖ costs that would be directly incurred by the academic department;

‖ the salary costs of all personnel involved, including the Principal Investigator (lead academic responsible for the research);

‖ an allocation to proportionately contribute to estates costs and central services;

‖ an element to provide for continued investment in the research infrastructure of the University.

Not all sponsors accept fEC, particularly charities. However, all research grant proposals must be costed on a fEC basis regardless of whether or not the costs are eligible for reclaiming from a particular sponsor. This is because the University needs to record the full economic costs of all research. There are some exceptions to this eg. EC and NIH.

Costing grants proposals on a fEC basis also allows Departmental Administrators and Heads of Departments to make informed decisions on individual grant proposals in relation to costs versus income. It is important that all costs are included in applications so that research is not underfunded. If you need any help with costing or advice on sponsor’s terms and conditions please contact Cambridge Research Office

Target audience

The briefing is relevant to all staff involved in research grants, particularly those new to the University and/or research grants and those seeking to confirm or refresh their understanding of University policy and its impact on research grants. Please note that this is an in-person event.

You will not need to attend this event if you have participated in the Research Administrators Programme (RAP) 2024.

There are 20 places available, first come first served.


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Tue 15 Oct   09:30 - 11:00 09:30 - 11:00 Greenwich House, Cairo Room map Bruce Daniels

In-person event

Presentation and discussion


1 hour 30 minutes


Booking / availability