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Self-taught course

Provided by: Researcher Development Programme (RDP)


This course is self taught (Online course).

Bookings are not required for this event.

Booking / availability

Time Management: Online

Self-taught course


Being able to manage your time is a key skill for a researcher. Although you may already have your own strategies in place, many people will struggle to continue to be effective in a busy research environment where you have many competing priorities.

This online course is presented as a toolkit of proven time management techniques. Each tool will contain some background information on why it can be helpful and then some examples so that you can see how it can be put into day-to-day use.

Each tool takes about fifteen minutes to work through online, and you will then be challenged to try it out for two weeks before reflecting on whether it made a positive impact on your time management.

Topics covered:

  • Introduction: Your Best Self
  • The Eisenhower Matrix
  • Chunking
  • The Underappreciated To-Do List
  • Dealing with Distractions... of the Digital Variety
  • Dealing with Distractions... of the Human Variety
  • Motivation

How to Access the Course

In order to enrol for The Time Management Toolkit, you will need an enrolment key. Please use the appropriate key for your School.

Graduate School of Life Sciences: GSLS-tmt16
Physical Sciences and Technology: PST-tmt16
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: AHSS-tmt16

You can access the course and enrol at the following link:'''

Target audience

All graduate students and postdoctoral researchers / research staff.
Further details regarding eligibility criteria are available here.

  • Have learnt how to use several different time management techniques
  • Have identified which techniques help you to be more effective
  • Feel more in control of your time

Online course


A Raven password is needed to access this online course. If you don't already have one, visit:


Booking / availability